Fun with gravity. ECC Update

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” A.E.

Hey Zeeps,

Look, what we do is serious business. The cause is great, the realities often brutal, and the journey arduous. I often end my week completely spent, in a good way. Leaving it all out there is exhilarating!

But as the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy.”
So let’s have some fun this week.

For fun today, I went to a zoo. They only had one animal. It was a ShihTzu.
Ok, ok, no more dad jokes.

Some of you Zeeps out there are having fun, creating memes, and cracking jokes. Some of you are sharing songs and images of zebras and all sorts of madness. You make me laugh and are lighting up the world and our community. Thank you!

There is a thing about joy, fun, and laughter. It brings people in and us together. We can’t always take ourselves too seriously. We can’t always work to exhaustion. Many people will find Zcash because they have a need. But to draw in the masses, bring the fun. Bring the creativity, laughter and joy, and watch the people come in droves. Many will only come to understand the depth of what we’re doing once they get in the door.

@zerodartz put this out this week.

It’s smart, tribe-building, tells a story, and fun!
Want to shield your eyes? Here’s a link to his app.

Here are some other favorites from this week.

At the Z|ECC summit, one of the topics many of us wanted to discuss was making Zcash fun. Unfortunately, we had more “serious” things to work through instead. But we’re weaving that in.

Making Zashi fun is top of mind. The experience of using ZEC can be fun, and there are things we want to do to make it even more so.

I played with Coinsbee this week, using my shielded ZEC stored on my Zashi to buy gift cards. There was no KYC, and there was mild privacy leakage. It was super fun. You should try it. Making this kind of thing seamless is on our roadmap.

We’re also adding Flexa to Zashi and hope to launch some fun campaigns with them soon. ICYMI, they announced Flexa Components this week. Remember this video? If not, look closely; you might see a few familiar faces and Zcash easter eggs.

Since we’re all here having fun, contrary to all the rumors, @Dodger and I dance pretty well together! I think we ought to do this live for you all at the next Zcon.

Alrighty, down to business. Here’s the fun ECC was up to this week.



  • designed opt-in screens for the Currency Conversion feature
  • continued exploring redesign of the Receive tab and Zashi Me (aka Request ZEC) flow
  • made progress on transaction history redesign and navigation + home screen redesign
  • continued work on a new design system


Unique Installs: 2.69k

Rating: 4.9 ★

  • ZIP 320 adoption and testing
  • opt-in requirement for the Currency Conversion feature
  • testing/implementing the new release of the Flexa integration
  • testing shielding UI


Total Install Base: 1.7k

Rating: 4.609 ★

  • ZIP 320 adoption and testing
  • opt-in requirement for the Currency Conversion feature
  • testing/implementing the new release of the Flexa integration
  • released version 1.1.5 to Open Beta
  • fixed screenshot testing (pre-requisite for dependency injection with Koin)

Zcash Core

  • Primarily focused on getting the consensus rule changes for NU6 implemented and merged. It does not yet include the NU6 activation height but will be ready to run interoperability testing with zebra on a private testnet.
  • Final testing and issue remediation for ZIP 320


@decentralistdan will be joining the ECC team in September!

I published an alternative governance structure to consider based on the bicameral model used by Optimism.

Product marketing is ramping up. More to come soon!

We’ll be working with @gordonesTV and @AuraBritoSM to get their trip funded. The community has stepped up, and we’re excited to do our part!

That’s all of this week!

In all seriousness, have fun Zeeps! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



I support the dance at the next Zcon!

Great topics and updates, as always.



I totally agree!

We are serious adults and do serious work, but “serious” should not necessarily mean “boring”.

And I mention this because of the proposal I made for the youth camp, Generation Z.

Some members of the community commented to me (which I always appreciate), that the content of the camp could be reduced to just teaching how to use wallets and that everything else was unnecessary “filler”.

And it is precisely this “filler” that is the strategy to attract people to Zcash, to this technology, to understand how money really works and how we can take care of our financial privacy. Serious topics that we can always spice up with attractive, fun and interesting things to attract new users.

Let’s keep innovating, creating and laughing!


In case someone wants to thank zerodartz for the shielded eyes app and the fun that comes with it. :upside_down_face:


Totally agree…