January 11, 2018, 9:20pm
This is likely to be a big deal, folks!
opened 12:25AM - 03 Jan 18 UTC
closed 05:32PM - 26 Aug 18 UTC
help wanted
design needed
We should have a Board of Directors election for the Zcash Foundation, and impro… ve/broaden our decision making process. We should time this so that the details are finalized over the next few months, and the election itself is commemorated at the Zcon0 event (which will tentatively be held in June some time).
The following is a barebones, minimum viable, strawman proposal for how this election could work:
**_1. We should make an assignment of “voting weight”_** to represent the voices of different groups / interests within the Zcash community.
Just to be concrete about things, here's an initial proposal:
- 0.20 Donors to the Zcash Foundation
- 0.20 Miners (proportional by hashpower)
- 0.20 Current Zcash holders (proportional to value)
- 0.20 Board-chosen allocation of outside experts / “friends of the foundation”
- 0.20 Board-chosen allocation of contributors / developers
For each of these, there is at least some apparent path to take towards measuring and soliciting input them (though the devil is in the details).
Our plan should be to conduct this process in the most pragmatic ways possible, making creative use of technology and/or foundation staff effort as necessary. (E.g., we could collect signed reports from mining pools about their hashpower and how its distributed.)
We should also feature a common-sense approach to delegative democracy. You should definitely be able to delegate your vote to someone else. This shouldn't have to be complicated.
**_2. Election of a larger board, with more representation of groups within the community._**
I'd suggest we do the following, which seems like a graceful compromise of status quo and gradual growth:
- One new board seat, to be elected by each of the five interests/groups identified above. This makes a total of 10 board seats.
- The 5 bootstrap board members may choose to either gracefully depart, or run for “confirmation” from the voters as weighted above.
**_3. Ratification of any bylaws / processes for the next year_**
**_4. Finally, ratify and publicly deliberate as many “resolutions” as we have time/energy for_**
I have an idea a list of “tough questions” for the community to discuss.
Any thoughts on this plan?
Andrew Miller (Chair of the Board of the Zcash Foundation), opens up discussion for how the Zcash Foundation will be governed. Ideally at least some of these questions will be settled at the Zcash Constitutional Convention, to be held in June of this year!
Is there more information on the responsibilities of the Zcash Foundation?
January 11, 2018, 11:59pm
You can find much more information at: https://z.cash.foundation/
On a somewhat similar note, Pivx is likely to switch from the voting-by-masternode-only model of governance that it inherited from Dash to community governance.
I read that, anything else?
January 23, 2018, 2:34pm
Need another entity to foster zapp ecosystem like cardano’s (they have 3 entities iohk, foundation and incubator) charles is in colorado too i think
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