Inviting Nominations for the Zcash Foundation Board of Directors

We have today published a blog post inviting nominations for two seats on the Zcash Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Andrew Miller’s board term expires this year. The board has decided to reappoint Andrew so we can continue to benefit from his extensive experience and expertise.

Amber Baldet and Peter Van Valkenburgh are stepping down from the board. Amber will continue to serve the ZCash community as a board member at the Financial Privacy Foundation, while Peter will be taking over as Executive Director of CoinCenter from January.

On behalf of everyone at the Zcash Foundation, and the broader Zcash community, we want to thank Amber and Peter for their service, advice and guidance in support of the Zcash Foundation and its mission. They will be sorely missed.

We are soliciting nominations from the Zcash community for the board seats that Amber and Peter are vacating. Nominations should be made here on the forums, under the Governance category, in the form of a new topic titled “X for the ZF Board”. People may (and are encouraged to) nominate themselves.

Nominees must explicitly accept the nomination, and should post some information about themselves, and why they would be a good board member. They should also read the blog post to familiarize themselves with the responsibilities, expectations and obligations associated with serving on the ZF board.

Nominations must be submitted by 09:00 UTC on Monday 18th November 2024.

We plan to schedule a community call to allow nominees to introduce themselves, and answer questions from the Zcash community. We will then conduct an advisory poll of ZCAP, and the Board will take the results of that poll into account when deciding who to appoint.

Updated: 18th November 2024

The deadline for community nominations has now passed. The following nominations have been received:

We will now reach out to the nominees to arrange a community call.


Have there been any nominations?


I think we should use these board seat openings as an opportunity to nominate someone who can serve as a community representative. Prior and existing board members have brought incredible expertise to the Foundation, but, in my opinion, most have not been very active in the Zcash community.

With the ZCG program moving to the Financial Privacy Foundation (FPF) later this month, potential conflicts of interest will be removed, which allows ZCG grant recipients to be eligible for the board. I’d love to see someone from ZecHub (@squirrel or @dismad), Zcash Brazil (@Michae2xl or @vito), Zcash Espanol (@gordonesTV or @yoditar), or other community groups serve on ZF’s board and represent the interests of the broader community and ZEC holders.


Nominations will be posted as new topics here on the forums, in the Governance category.

+1 to this.

I think it would be great to have somebody from the community join the Board, even better if they’re from outside the US.


From the moment I joined the community, I admired @squirrel 's efforts and helpful attitude. Someone who does everything for Zcash and mobilizes all resources to bring new people into the community. I hope he can run for this position and be part of the management team


@Dodger will ZCAP be polled for both ZF BoD seats or only 1 seat?

Two seats need to be filled, and the Board will (a) take the result of the poll into account when who to appoint to those seats, and (b) meet with the two candidates who receive the highest approval in the poll.

However, it’s important to remember that the poll is advisory, and the final decision rests with the Board, so it doesn’t necessarily mean that both (or even either) of the top two candidates will be appointed to the Board.


The poll is now open! Good luck to all the candidates!


The poll closes in less than 12 hours, so if you’re a member of ZCAP and you haven’t yet voted, do so ASAP! :alarm_clock:

For the voting instructions, search your Inbox for an email from the Helios Voting Bot (

If you can’t find it, check your Junk or Spam folder.


The poll closed this morning, with 129 votes cast.

Here are the results:

The ZF Board will now meet with Taylor and Ted, and will take the results of the poll into consideration when deciding who to appoint to the Board.

We’d like to thank all the candidates, and the ZCAP members who voted in the poll.


Any updates ZF can share?


I expect we’ll publish an announcement on Friday. :slight_smile:


Hot off the presses! :smiley:


Congrats @earthrise and @Boggerster ! :shield: :hearts: