Having trouble downloading proving key

I’m attempting to use zcash4win on a windows 10 machine, and I’m not able to download the proving key. It gets stuck for a while with no progress shown in the progress window, then gives me a connection reset error. I’m reasonably sure that my internet connection is working well, and I’ve added allow rules for the exe in incoming and outgoing in windows firewall. What else can I try to get this going?

Close Zcash GUI.
Right click on start and open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
Run “c:\Program Files\zcash4win\app\zcashd.exe” -damemon=0 -showmetrics=1
And let it load up and you should have your proving key issue resolved.
Then you can open up you Zcash GUI and watch it sync.

I’ve tried this and the cmd prompt is running fine and validating transactions, but when I run winzec I still get the connection reset error during the downloading proving key part.