How to send zec WITH t-addr or account?

Can’t send zec to shapeshift from account or t-addr

root@ubuntu:/home/zec/zcash# ./src/zcash-cli sendmany “t1LNo6ChbrhreLcuyrceuLshrpuaETBHJaJ” “[{"amount": 0.0016, "address": "t1Ny1GiJ8WK3Uont9nNTn82eTnQnMzVanGn"}]”
error: {“code”:-11,“message”:“Accounts are unsupported”}

z_sendmany is the correct command

full command:

z_sendmany “T_ADDRESS” “[{"amount": XXXX, "address": "T_ADDRESS"}]”

1 Like

Oh, okay… Thank you!

Thank you Duke. Was wondering the same thing. You cleared it up in 2 seconds. :smile: