HW wallets - z-transactions

No news about this? It was the most exciting project for Zcash… Now it starts to feel like it’s not happening :frowning:

It’s happening. Stay tuned for more updates soon.


I am looking forward to this!

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Hi everyone,

Zondax has completed milestone 3 of the shielded Ledger app. All of the code is now open-source and available on Github. Next, we’ll submit to Ledger for review and begin work to integrate with wallets in the ecosystem.

This is a huge achievement and we expect to have a production-ready version in the coming months. Kudos to @jleni for leading this effort.

You can read the full summary of this milestone here.


I thought milestone 3 completion means production ready :frowning: couple more months means 2?

I believe they did specify another milestone (which depends on Ledger process) on the grant.io platform. Should not be too long, unless Ledger really does not want to support Zcash.

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@aserrano wonder if zondax co can get the shielded address added to Ledger’s Experimental Features once ready for testing (like Avalanche did https://docs.avax.network/build/tutorials/platform/setup-your-ledger-nano-s-with-avalanche)


We’ve been working closely with Ledger and they are supportive of adding Zcash. Once the submission occurs, we expect their security review to take about one month. The tricky part is getting Ledger Live to play nicely with Rust, but we’re exploring a few approaches to provide a good UI.


Hello , any updates on this ? It’s been almost a month , we hope all is well !

I think that the current state has been discussed in the latest Gardening Club (April 6th, 2021).
Unfortunately, I missed it, and can’t find it anywhere…
A recording of the latest Gardening Club would be very welcome for many of us for sure… anyone?

I saw it but don’t think it has been uploaded yet, perhaps @elenita would know?

Hi everyone- we’re working on uploading three community calls from the past week (2 arborist calls and 1 gardening club). Apologies for the delay. They will be online soon!


Just uploaded:


Thanks @Shawn! That was great, and the part on HW wallets was very interesting for me, and gave me an idea of how much work has gone into it.
However, my sensation (could be wrong) is that we still need some more work (months?) before Ledger really integrates this in Ledger Live. Do you have some more data on this?

About the device being slow/very slow, I don’t consider this a big limitation, as the main use case would probably be to store the great part of own’s ZECs and move them only from time to time to a faster wallet (mobile phone or PC) for more frequent expenses.


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so it will be as slow/very slow in final as was said with no potential impovments?

I watched it, daira said hir is going to review codebase to see if there could be any major optimizations. Overall, it seems like the whole transaction sending takes 9 mins. Not sure if that hinders users from storing Zcash shielded on ledger.


This is why retrofitting sucks.

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Are there any limitations on broadcasting a transaction from a HW wallet that received funds from a Z-addr? I have not been able to send ZEC from a Ledger which accepted the funds from a full node shielded address. Is this a common issue, and is there a work around to fix this?

The following error keeps occurring: The server could not handle your request. Please try again later or contact Ledger Support. {“result”:null,“error”:{“code”:-26,“message”:“16: old-consensus-branch-id (Expected e9ff75a6, found f5b9230b)”},“id”:125178}

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Did you update ledger live?