Is legit?

He changed the minimum payout to 0.005. I think he said he’s doing them manually.

Still nothing paid…

Is there any news?
Did you get paid?

I left 3 GPUs mining the whole night with them.
My small CPU on did more zecs than my 3 GPUs on that pool.
My balance was not updating eve though the pool recognized my hashrate correctly.
Could be a bug, but also smells like scam, specially because no payouts at all.
Unhappily Genoil’s miner crashes for me. And Nicehash miner will not work on my AMD GPUs.
Zcash launch with no good GPU miner is just a joke. They get 20% of all zcash mined and they do absolutely nothing for the community.

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@PEDROSIMAO there are many great gpu miners :wink: you just have to be in the big league. Why would it be released for free to everyone ? it will come out soon. As we take more profits.

I received a payout just hour ago

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Do you have screenshot?



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i’m mining on 2 different pools. The whole network has problems because more blocks are being produced then expected and the transactions take long.

I also got paid on coinsforall. 0,1 already all together but it takes long. Same for flypool which has good reputation with /ethrmine and etherpool/. The network is lagging. Payouts are slow. Be patient you will get it all. But i know tensions are high when you see 1 zec = 10 btc haha.

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I just got paid.


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I’ve moved my rig back to ethereum while things stablise. I’ll get some benefit from the reduced hashrate on that network, at least.

I don’t like being railroaded into using a given pool, but unfortunately the only miner that worked on my 6 card rig was locked to coins4all.

I appear to be increasing my ZEC balance faster at flypool with 1 CPU and 1 480 than I was with a rig of 6 470s at coins4all. I’m not making any accusations, but it doesn’t seem worth moving that rig off eth until I have options.

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How can I sign up to this pool? I can’t find it on the home page

Hello, I am mining at this site, and the payout was did not arrived to my poloniex wallet address!
I tried to contact with site admin throught the : admin[a], but the mail was came back by mailer daemon : “Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:”, what can I do now is this zcash what mined out is gone or not, is this mining pool a scam or just need to wait too much?
thanx in advance

could you please explain how you registered to this pool?!/coin/ZCASH/wallet/t1JKGBGQna63kDsFB1HWCz8oGYxAqyUF6MT
this is the miner at pool

you mean you just need a t address, no registration required?

in dont need to be registered, just a zec address


Most Monero pools are like this and since both ZCash and Monero value anonymity there is no registration process at least for this pool. It would not shock me to see the majority of ZCash pools take this anonymous approach.

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trumpster Noone said have to be free.This Zcash is going bad from begining , 30k $ contest and win by the scamers who dont pay to miners at all. Extreame miner is good but working only for him own profit. Genoil still not working for AMD. This is a fuckn joke for crypto miners. If i know how to make AMD miner and pool for this I`ll make it fast on start cuz I can set 1,2,3,4,5% DEV fee and i can get paid for my work but noone did it. I cant understand this at all.

Are only t-addresses allowed? I tried to configure a z-addr, but got a seg fault:

ClientName = '***'  ClientID = ***  InstanceID = ***
Address = '****'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'config4cpp::ConfigurationException'
Aborted (core dumped)