Is legit?


Yesterday I received 0.6 zec for 24 hrs with 550 sol’s,. Today I got 0.02 in 24 hrs… diff hasnt gone up 58x…

I’ve message pool op but no response yet ( 8 hours have passed since message)

As I already mentioned: I think the pool is ripping off miners… at least 40% in my case I switched to flypool using ZOGMiner and with roughly the same hashrate I am getting 2x the payout. Whether deliberately done or through incompetence this pool deserves to be abandoned!

The reason why people flock to coinsforall is the good miner, but ZOGMiner has caught up. If you start 2 instances of ZOGMiner per AMD GPU like:

./zcash-miner -G -stratum="stratum+tcp://" -user=<ZCash_TADDRESS>.<WorkerName> -printtoconsole -S=0

then you achieve roughly the same hashtrate. -S=0 means GPU 0.

I requested 0.02 z cash address mined coins to be sent to a t addy (created on a new wallet). I sent the wallet.dat to the email (wallet.dat only used to mine on that pool). It took 2 days but the amount was sent so there are responses - it just might take a bit.

i’m still mining in this pool, i get paid many Tx/aday