If fork occurs then the proposed business strategy will do the maximum possible damage to the manufacturer of the asics. This is not permissible even for China
More specifics… Cause I honestly do not see what was so eye opening truth bombs in that article. Also, what are you calling, “truth” while referring to something else as a lie?
Most likely the fact that parameter changes may not be enough to defeat an ASIC. So the likelihood of a hard fork of Zcash in December is even lower now. A new PoW algorithm will have to be developed to stay ahead of ASIC’s for 6 months.
There is no reason to believe David Vorick. He’s lied in the past, by claiming in November that his Siacoin were 45% more powerful than they actually are. I also think the whole crowdfunded ASIC was incredibly sleazy. I would never trust him given his past behavior. His article has no evidence either, just rumors.
Second, let’s let ASIC manufacturers worry about whether their ASICs will survive a proof of work tweak. If GPU miners fail to get rid of ASIC miners (which is very unlikely), then they’ve lost very little. If ASIC miners fail to survive a fork (which is very likely), they’ve lost millions.
The dynamics of the battle between ASIC and GPU miners so heavily favor GPU miners that it can only be by the deliberate choice of the developers that a cryptocurrency becomes an ASIC-mineable coin.
Posting this again but with less comment to be found “offensive” to other readers:
NOTE what is highlighted with bold writing?
Does that sound like ASIC RESISTANCE to you?
Makes you wonder if Zooko [And possibly other ZCash developers] have had an idea in mind for engineering, designing and manufacturing an ASIC specific to ZCash for quite a while. In fact, I personally know a couple of individuals who have a back room VIP meeting with Zooko at ZCon0 in Canada to discuss ASIC’s for ZCash. I’m not sure whether or not the meeting is still planned after recent events but I do know that such a meeting was planned. I’m not giving names but I know it was planned.
I could care less if one of my friends (VIP) is affected financially if a ZCash ASIC does not work out for him with ZEC. I do know it will affect me and many others financially if a “…specialized miners get developed” specifically for ZCash.
I personally have invested nearly $160,000. So, this is a rather serious matter to me. Mining and crypto trading is my life. It’s how I provide for my family. My wife does not work. She stays home to homeschool our son. I don’t have a job or work anywhere except home. I’m the only one providing for my family and it’s all done with mining and trading. That’s probably the main reason why I’m so passionate about this.
If you do not believe I have invested what I say, have a look at this forum I created on bitcointalk.org in regards to my fourth mining room remodel for better cooling: This is page 6 of that forum… Feel free to add any ideas/photos of your own setup if you like for all of us as a community to learn from one another in regards to “ideas” for better cooling setup - Lets Share Ideas of Ways to Manage Heat From Mining in a Home or Warehouse
All I hear about on the thread it the inevitability of ASIC’s, so we should just give up. The reality is that the tech is coming for real ASIC proof. ASIC’s can be circumvented to be not much better or even worse than a GPU / CPU. Its just a matter of time.
Having developed nine ASIC’s, I can say the the hardware engineers underestimate the software engineers, and the opposite is also true. Once the problem / challenge is out in the open and understood, innovation takes over. The flexibility of software is not even comparable to the flexibility of even a hybrid ASIC’s. Dynamic algorithms constantly changed by the network in a random fashion are coming (Raven is a rather poor example), and I’ve seen a few other very clever ideas.
ASIC’s are not the end of the story, they are the binging. The future will be very different than people think.
So while I saw this coming the tide is now tunning, Software engineers are getting a rapid education on what the hardware engineers can do. Both will always say they have the upper hand but the reality of the situation will be a stalemate. Software will drive algorithms to a point that ASIC’s are irrelevant. That is progress, that is innovation, and that is where this is all headed.
Good luck with that attitude. Why are you even here? Do you even understand what this is about? Or are you just interested in promoting your views? Anyone who does not conform to your views needs to be attacked?
Ive met people like that before, usually does not end well for them, so again, good luck with that.
Prices are higher while same availability/leadtime, tell me again GPU manufacturers are not showing us the middle finger.
Economic !!! As I pointed previously, again , reading your post I see you don’t understand that.
Let’s say you start with 2000$ capital
You need to buy MB,PSU (PSU chained), DDR, SSD, rack ( HUGE SPACE) million cables
So you end up with 4 gpus giving you ~ 2K sol/sec
1 unit + 1 PSU ( little space ) => ~ 10k sol/sec
Unless BITMAIN hater (aka pro ASIC resistant) it makes 0 economic case.
Also, since GPUs are used for many other purposes GAMES, AI(ML), GRID-CLUSTER etc…
The big advantage is we don’t step on each others toe, making people not in crypto hating crypto !!!
It is the same argument I use when people arguing for solar power, we can use battery to compensate the 80% time unavailability, YES but we all use/need batteries, yet the market is one and manufacturers are simply that many.
Changing params for the PoW hash is a cat-mouse game with no end. Also, everything is ASICs (including CPUs and GPUs). It is flexibility VS performance, that’s all. Creating an ASIC with some flexibility to firmware-update params is NO brainer.
I’m still in favour of changing the PoW and fork once so we have more Memory bound eqhash spin-off. This way the battle is unnecessary since memory (expensive!) is gonna be a common denominator.
This way, people that are pro-ASIC (like me) will be happy, while all the fear of obsolete GPUs will be put at rest ( hopefully ) .
When you stray away from the ASIC debate and start making personal assertions like “he’s an idiot” or “they need to get a job” then it’s personal.
And personal attacks are not needed or welcome on the Fourms.
I kindly request all users keep it civil towards each other or accounts will be suspended. FAQ - Zcash Community Forum