Let’s talk about ASIC mining

Just cross posting some valid arguments over from the zencash gifthub channel

From an infrastructure PoV, no… absolutely that is true. Hardware dedicated to a singular purpose, to perform a required action within the network, has more intrinsic value in the network than your programmable GPU rig that could abandon any network at any time. Dedicated hardware shows dedicated resources and $$$ whereas GPU miners consistently move to the next best thing. How many ETHlargement users left Equihash this last week… SOOOOO many! Once hashrate is replaced with ASICs, confidence in the longevity of the network infrastructure is secured. While GPUs have been able to supply something close, it is a measure below the dedication of ASICs. In this sense how are ASIC farms any worse than present day GPU farms?

Cutting ASICs out of the network is uncalled for and history is on their side… Bitmain now sells 6 unique algo ASIC miners. That means 5 times now someone made an algo to try and get away from huge hashrate hardware schemes… and 5 times Bitmain has shown us all we know nothing. Every time a forced new algo is put in place, and it becomes profitable, Bitmain et al will be there to make a better version.

I never said ASICs make coins profitable, just that they build more value into them intrinsically.

ASICs always follow foreseen profit… no reason to make an ASIC until an algo has backing… putting the cart before the horse. Massive CPU and GPU backing make a coin profitable, ASIC backing pushes a coin into a different level of value.

Variable difficulty? That gives a fixed reward over time but it varies the total reward earned PER watt based on total hashrate of the network. To say miners joining and leaving has no bearing on a coins value is ridiculous. It is exactly why coin switch pools exist and places like WhatToMine show which coins make the most at the moment. You made a completely self sustaining statement…

So the sell price influences the price… it is more like the volume of hashrate relative to the difficulty and current liquidity determine the current price. Do you think ZEC would maintain it’s price if hashrate fell to ZEN levels? Not a chance. You think ZCL stays at a low hashrate when it’s price pumps? Nope… drives straight to the roof.

Also GPU miners didn’t leave because an ASIC due in late June was announced… they left because their 1080TIs all get 50 MH/s on ETH using ETHlargement pill… they are earning way more than they were on Equihash… hence why ETH continues to rise while other coins are falling.

Check the last 7 day calcs for ETH to ZEC… only today did Equihash claw back 24 hr top profits. All Equihash coins have a less than 100% 3 and 7 day calc.

I have no love for auto pools… I am a dedicated miner and Suprnova is my home. I prefer to promote loyal mining and payout schemes that reward it. I simply imply coin switch pools and site stats as evidence of coin prices moving as hashrates increase and decrease, both as drivers and in response to it.

While daily total supply created has a standard, no reward method gives your miner the same coin per hash every block… none.

To put ALL of that into perspective, because you have to include ALL VARIABLES, adding ASICS to a network displaces GPUs completely and THEN SOME. Yes big mines grab them up, but plenty of individuals do too. ASICs are only a threat to your GPU rig ROI… trying to lock out innovation just drives it. The price of a solid coin with solid leadership only goes up with ASIC infrastructure backing it.

Nobody intelligent bought GPU thinking they will get 5 years out of the card, everyone knew it will be superseded by new GPU, ASIC, FPGA, or PoS, lucky for them, at least GPU owner has resale to gamer as fallback.

Although PoW is proven it’s not flawless, being environmentally unfriendly for one and has shown that it also suffers centralization concerns, bitmain being one of them, but even zen has its concern with supernova holding over 50% of the hash power… 51% attack anyone?

ZenCash absolutely should not fork in response to Bitmain’s announcement. A fork is an action that should not be taken lightly or as a knee-jerk reaction to the natural progression of technology. There is nothing inherently bad about ASICs. Every single GPU is technically an ASIC. Bitmain has simply produced a piece of hardware that is more efficient at the task than those currently in use. Why shouldn’t Bitmain be allowed to compete with nVidia and AMD?

Efforts to promote decentralization are not without merit. It is known that CPUs and GPUs are more widely available than specialized ASIC hardware for numerous reasons. An effort towards decentralization in the form of accessibility is an approach that may warrant the effort. If algorithm changes are to occur specifically to promote decentralization, then should occur on an expected schedule, not in response to technical advancement.

ZenCash is already conducting research in DAG based technology. Since this will undoubtedly change the way the PoW system works, and algorithm change would be a more natural addition at that time. Efforts could also be made to investigate alternative PoW based systems which utilize the computing power for math or science in addition to securing the chain. There are already numerous papers that exist, but few have been implemented. Adopting this direction would undoubtedly be an advantage for the ZenCash ecosystem as a whole.

tldr; Bitmain’s ASICs are not a problem. Don’t rush out an algo change. If you want to promote decentralization, do it right, or don’t do it at all.

10 kH/s at 1/5th the price of a GPU rig is lowering the barrier to entry, not raising it. Bitmain has done some shady stuff, no doubt, but their objective is to release hardware and profit from it… not dictate direction for projects (except maybe BCH and now BTM).

Whether or not ZEN forks won’t matter to Bitmain. There will be a handful of Equihash coins that won’t fork and those Z9 minis will be pointed there, and those projects will benefit from it. The question becomes, “How does ZEN get ready for the future?” Does the Z9 mini help ZEN get there? I think yes, but I realize that’s not a popular thought.

If a project is profitable to mine, specialists will specialize. Why is no one upset about GPUs vs CPU mining anymore? That was truly one-cpu-one-vote if we want to be decentralization purists. Let’s be perfectly honest that most pro-fork people are protecting their own interests. That’s not a judgement, it’s rational human nature, but I think it’s a bit short-sighted.

I could run one of these with much less specialization than I currently had to do for my 8 GPU rig, and by the way, I can’t even buy any for reasonable prices from NVidia (the “centralized” provider for Equihash). I wouldn’t need a 240V line and the noise should be much less than your typical ASIC due to the fact they are only dissipating 300W.

I’ve never understood hurling the way-too-often-used “decentralization” maxim as an argument against more efficient mining. Bitmain is offering to sell these to people, one per person, for much less money and operating costs for the same hashrate. What would be centralized is if they didn’t offer to sell them. A result which is much more likely if they know projects will fork when they offer them publicly.

I would much prefer the dev team to keep their eye on the ball and continue to deliver on adding value to the actual platform, the reason the project exists. I don’t think a lot of time should be spent playing whack a mole.

My bet is that the last four memory intensive machines will all be based on the same chip architecture (ETHASH, EQUIHASH, CRYPTONIGHT, BYTOM). Since they have advertised Sophon, their own AI architecture, I would say they are utilizing that. And I would further point out that forking to a similar cryptographic algorithm would have only a delaying effect on the adaptation of “ASIC” machines.

This new miner is either an FPGA with on board RAM (quite likely) or a full blown ASIC with some kind of very fancy (and expensive) linked memory module.
If it’s an FPGA we’re dealing with, finding an algorithm that you couldn’t just reprogram the FPGA to mine will be extremely difficult. If it’s an ASIC, the task of creating some kind of incompatibility by modifying or switching algo’s would obviously be considerably easier.

Problem is, we have no technical specs for the Z9 so we could potentially put a load of effort into something that would only take a few days to reconfigure the Z9 to mine…

So I think we should spend some time trying to figure out what we’re actually up against before trying to formulate a plan.


Actually thinking about the whole issue there is an easy fix IF the community does not want ASICs on it’s network and it would even not need a fork:

Just reduce the block reward 2 or 3 times. Pretty sure this will drive ASICS not out of the Algo but it would drive them out of Zcash.

It would as well cause some migration of the profit oriented larger GPU facilities leading again to way more decentralization which is the main point here anyway.

So with a simple change we would have 2 success: No Asics + more decentralization.

Why didn’t anybody come up with that yet?

It seems silly that we keep debating this when we just recently saw a major cryptocurrency – Monero – do exactly what we are discussing and had excellent results.

I think something to consider is that GPU miners are probably more likely to be cryptocurrency enthusiasts. A lot of them may just mine on one GPU – or many – but they tend to be very passionate about cryptocurrency and enjoy discussing their favorite coins and talking about mining. ASIC miners, on the other hand, seem to be largely professional operations who aren’t passionate about mining or cryptocurrency. I don’t think anyone with an Antminer is eager to show it to their friends, introduce people to the coins they mine, or discuss mining on reddit.

It seems clear to me that the network effect of GPU mining is enormous and far greater than that of ASIC mining. Heck, I’d even argue that the ultimate network effect of ASIC mining is to make people dislike the coins that are ASIC mined.


You’re not a crypto enthusiast. You just joined the crypto space, and are only looking out for your own interests. @boxalex brings up very valid points.

Not to be rude, but this is yet anther post from someone who doesn’t understand proof of work mining.

The overall mining reward (number of blocks x block reward x coin price) determines the proportion of the global hashrate for an algorithm that will be mining a certain coin.

If the Zcash block reward is lowered, then the proportion of the global Equihash hashrate that is mining Zcash will be lowered. This would not, however, have any effect on the hardware that is mining Equihash coins. It would still be 100% ASICs. Actually, the swap to ASIC mining would happen much faster with a lower block reward.

It’s incredible what sort of Rube Goldberg solutions pro-ASIC people will come up with.

The answer is simple: Adjust the proof of work algorithm to make it more memory hard.

Just like Monero and almost all Cryptonight coins have done. Just like Zencash, Bitcoin Gold, Zclassic, Bitcoin Private, and many others are planning to do.

It will be terrible for Zcash’s reputation if it can’t find a way to protect itself from ASICs despite being the second biggest GPU mineable cryptocurrency.


I have one GPU. I don’t have a big stake in the mining game. I’m actually in favor of proof of stake in most cases.

What I want to avoid is another takeover of a cryptocurrency by Bitmain.

They have done enormous damage to Bticoin recently. They created Bticoin Cash and tried to pump it past Bitcoin’s price. They threatened to create a contentious hard fork with no replay protection. They spammed the mempool and forced users to pay outrageous transaction fees. This crippled the network and caused many retailers to stop accepting Bitcoin indefinitely.

I would love to see Bitcoin’s proof of work algorithm be changed as well. ASICs and centralized mining are cancerous to cryptocurency.


If you fork the global hashrate for Zcash is as well lowered, i can’t see much of a difference.
Maybe you did not get it so far, but it’s nearly impossible to fork away until sapling/winterover without even risking more, hence my suggestions of a block reward halving or even less reward.


Actually even more thinking about it i’am asking that an “emergency block reward halving” happens as soon as possible:

This would eventually even safe some money prepared for the research:

  • Such an action would immediatly show on how much loyal hashrate Zcash can count.

I’am betting my ass that every profit oriented Miner (be it right now Bitmains Asics or GPU miners) would switch immediatly in lightspeed to something more profitable, but it would result in way more decentralization on the zcash network.

There is about 6 weeks left until the Z9’s are shipped. Maybe it’s worth trying this for 6 weeks and see how it goes. Still better than a hardfork that delays 100 important things.

OK…so Z9 mini takes over the network…same folks who give Flypool such a huge percentage instead point Z9 to Flypool…nothing changed. Yep GPU miners are Greedy. Leave the character assassination that’s been running rampant about GPU miners out of it. Every scenario to “prove” how bad we somehow are is the same scenario that is going to play out with a ASIC…whoever is discovering the most blocks is going to have hashpower migrating to it.

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Exciting news from China! Bitcoin wallet preinstalled on all Huawei phones in China! (Bitmain makes an appearance.) Please keep all discussion of ASIC-Resistance in this thread, and all discussion of cryptocurrency wallet distribution in China in that thread.


I just asked the mods to just freeze this thread and tell everyone to move the discussion to reddit or a Zcash-Foundation-managed discussion forum or something. I don’t know if they’ll do it, though. They don’t always do everything I say. :slight_smile: But seriously, it is very upsetting to me that our long, proud tradition of open, collaborative, constructive discussion has been marred by this ill-tempered and exhausting thread. :frowning: I’d like to see the mods make an example of this and demonstrate to people that (a) productive discussion is possible (see all the rest of the threads on this forum!) and (b) unproductive discussion, ad-hominems, and repetitive campaigning can happen somewhere else (like reddit).

[Edit by @daira: please note that as a moderator, I strongly disagree with closing this thread. The vast majority of the discussion has been constructive, and moderators have been on top of flagging/hiding personal attacks. Also, @zooko has a conflict of interest, as the main representative of a particular side of the argument, and should not have asked that the thread be closed without further consultation among moderators. I was sorely tempted to unilaterally reopen it, but I’m also not impartial here. Also, I’m tied up with a zk proof workshop at the moment. Please bear with us while we sort this out.]


I was going to post a lengthy comment to this @Zooko…but at the moment I’m still trying to believe how much brass you seem to have to even say that. You personally stoked the fires a couple times…but your hurt at the disharmony. Just…wow.


Topic has been temporarily closed per Zookos Request.

Please stay tuned, we are working on splitting this into separate topics so users can continue the discussion without having to read through 2000 posts.

There are two new threads for users:


We will be continuing discussion in this thread as well, but we have created two new threads for users to be able to dive into specifics of the ASICs debate, please see my post above --^


Knock knock… TSMC, May I rent your old ASML machines for printing some easy stuff?

Ohhh It’s mining so well. Let’s printing it more, mine it for several months then selling them Yoooo!!

seems like the profitability is dropping overtime. So… Let’s make some new coins!!! (Segwit 80000X?)

Hi TSMC, May I rent some more advanced machines? … Our scammy businesses are doing so well!!
Let’s print it more for another Algos! …( infinite loop ) …

Is this how decentralised works?
Something ruining our community?

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Would you rather have you Zcash crypto currency concentrated in few or hand or many? which would be better for adoption?

I would like to thank the moderators for their level headedness throughout this debate, you have been a great example on how a project like this should handle such controversy.

Though the same can not be said for Zooko which has shaken my faith in the project quite considerably, I’m not sure the project can continue on the successful path it has taken if he is still involved, I believe the communities lack of faith in him after this debacle will affect the trajectory of this project, is it possible for us to move on without him?


Ah ok, so it is not a matter of ASIC, neither that Bitmain leads the sales of mining hardware, it’s just a matter of performance ?

Stating that: high performance = high centralization
May be an intellectual shortcut…