This week saw the release of [1.0.8] (New Release: 1.0.8 - Electric Coin Company), so update your nodes if you haven’t yet! The release includes support not mentioned in previous updates: Tor ephemeral hidden services (PR 2177) which makes it easier for users to run nodes over Tor.
We also released in our blog [Explaining SNARKs Part III: The Knowledge of Coefficient Test and Assumption] (Explaining SNARKs Part III: The Knowledge of Coefficient Test and Assumption - Electric Coin Company) and announced [BIP199 for Hashed Timelock Contracts] (BIP199 for Hashed Timelocked Contracts - Electric Coin Company). HTLC is an important step towards an implementation of [XCAT] (Cross-chain Atomic Trades (XCAT) · Issue #2098 · zcash/zcash · GitHub) with Zcash and Bitcoin.
In preparation for a [Payment Offloading] ( proof of concept, we started work on a Javascript implementation of Zcash which will be available upon completion. This work is being based off of [BitcoinJS] ( and beyond the primary goal of moving towards a payment offloading PoC, will offer applications a JS library for Zcash integration.
We also have plans for reworking some of the website including the new [Privacy & Security Recommendations page] (Privacy Recommendations and Best Practices - Zcash) after receiving some great feedback and improved funneling for new users looking to get started with Zcash.
We’re also making some final touches on a new section of the website dedicated to a high-level overview of zk-SNARKs.
Finally, don’t forget that we’re doing our second Show & Tell featuring zmsg later today at 3pm PST/ 6pm EST/ 10pm UTC!
edit: removed “officially supported” in reference to JS library. Perhaps this will be just initially built by Zcash team and maintained by others! Needs more deliberation wrt engineer resources.