Hey Zcash Zeal!
Welcome to the MGRC update and minutes.
This was a big week for the MGRC in that we made several concrete decisions. You will also notice that this week we had a couple guests: @antonie from the ZFND and Danika (a name you may not recognize) were invited to attend this meeting to discuss a few topics that directly involve ZFND and MGRC. Danika is a operations manager and has recently joined the team at ZFND.
The highlights from this week are:
- Decided to adopt the ZF Grants Platform as part of the MGRC grant application/approval process
- Accepted an offer from the Zcash Foundation to provide part-time administrative support for the MGRC
- Decided on a new name for the MGRC (reveal date for the new name has not been decided yet but twitter handles and URLs have been secured)
Please Note: Last MGRC meeting Mario who was taking the minutes stepped back from direct involvement with the MGRC so this weeks minutes were take by me (Shawn) as notes while participating in deep conversation so may not be as accurate as the notes that Mario took, my apologies in advance.
MGRC Zoom Meeting: October 28th, 2020
[Minutes taken by Shawn]
Pre-meeting agenda:
- Administrative support from ZF
- ZF grants platform
- Grant process draft review
- Discuss Key metrics doc from ZF
- Renaming MG
Meeting minutes:
Hudson Jameson
Sarah Jamie Lewis
Chris Burniske
Holmes Wilson
Antonie Hodge from Zcash Foundation
Danika Delano from Zcash Foundation
1. Discussed Admin support offered by the Zcash Foundation
Antonie introduced Danika who is a new operations manager at the Zcash Foundation. Antonie explained that the ZF is willing to provide support for the MGRC with regards to taking meeting minutes and other administrative needs as the MGRC gets off the ground. Danika introduced herself and provided a brief summary of her background. MGRC members voted unanimously to accept Danika as part-time MGRC administrator and thanked the Zcash Foundation for their support.
As workload increases for the MGRC, if full-time administrative support is required then the MGRC will discuss options for hiring full time support at a future meeting.
2. Discussed ZF grants platform
On Tuesday this week Hudson, Shawn, and Holmes met via video conference with Antonie from ZF and Daniel from Grants.io to go over the grants.zfnd.org platform and to discuss adapting the platform for the MGRC.
Hudson presented the findings to MGRC members Chris and Sarah who had not been in attendance. Antonie informed MGRC that ZF will shoulder all ongoing financial costs associated with running the Grants io platform. MGRC members voted unanimously to adopt the ZF Grants platform as part of the Grant application and approval process.
Before the next MGRC meeting Hudson, Shawn, and Holmes will follow up with the Grants io team and begin the process of modifying the platform to MGRC needs.
3. Grant process draft
Chris presented the first draft of the MGRC grant approval process that he and Mario had worked on. Some MGRC members had suggested edits and concerns about the structure of the process. The MGRC agreed to keep the process in draft form and will continue discussion of the process.
Revisions to the grants process document will continue asynchronously until the next MGRC meeting.
4. Discussed ZF Key Metrics document
Andrew Miller from ZF provided a draft document of an upcoming ZF post regarding “Key Metrics” as required by ZIP-1014.
The MGRC members discussed this document and have a few points of clarification that they will bring up with Andrew asynchronously before the next MGRC meeting.
5. Discussed Renaming MGRC
The naming doc was brought up which had scores from MGRC regarding preferences for each of the names. During the call Hudson and Holmes searched the internet to be sure the handle was not taken on Twitter or a suitable URL was not already taken. One name was the clear favorite with the highest number of votes and MGRC voted unanimously to adopt the name change. Discussed with Antonie the possibility of re-naming a ZFND sub-domain for the grants platform to the new “MGRC” acronym.