Government friendly (licensed?) mining pools that censor blacklisted transactions is here (see VICE tweet below). This is going to be a huge problem for transparent blockchains and for any who value censorship resistance and decentralization.
While mostly positive for Zcash, this is a double-edged sword of sorts. It’s good for Zcash because privacy on the base layer is really the only thing that defends against this type of “state attack” (make no mistake, this is an attack). Yet it’s bad because if this becomes the norm going forward, we should expect an increasingly hostile stance from “Big Gov” towards privacy coins – as privacy coins would undermine Big Gov efforts to censor transactions.
The stage is being set for arguably one of the greatest fights for freedom and decentralization that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies may ever face. So we should probably start talking about it, because there are many implications for Zcash.
VICE tweet w/ article: