Thanks for all of the contributions, development, and general help. I’ve found a wealth of info.
I have some older desktops lying around that I want to put to work. From what I understand, they will be able to do something, at least. My concern is about spots where the RAM requirement is 4gb+. Some of these old beasts only have 2gb max processors.
Forgive me because I am no expert, but will I be able to transfer mined coins (if I mine any at all and what other problems might I encounter. Most are dual core intels that are in decent shape with at least 4gb. I’m mostly worried about the old shuttle xpcs with 2gb…
I’m still getting cords together and such, but I’d love to hear your advice and opinions on resurrecting these old pcs for zcash. In my heart, I feel like this is what Satoshi wanted. No disassemble #5…
Yes, you could certainly transfer mined coins, though the chances of you getting any from solo mining seem pretty low. You may want to consider joining one of the mining pools.
In my heart, I feel like this is what Satoshi wanted.
It’s a romantic idea and you should go for it, though I hope you are not too disappointed with the results. The interest in Zcash and GPU miners continue to grow exponentially each day. Best of luck and I hope you get some blocks
I’ve also been positing a scenario where maybe an extra kink for gpu mining gets added to the actual release. That would be devastating to the cloud mining contracts… Through my research, it seems possible.
Although, I’m certainly doing this for a hobby more than profit.