Need help on iquidus-based Zcash Explorer

I tested the Docker solution and it works great so might be the easiest way to get up and running. Docs are a little tricky to follow so here’s a quick guide assuming you have Docker installed and this will run a testnet explorer (has the advantage of being much quicker to sync). If you want to run on mainnet (I didn’t test this) you’d need to edit at a minimum dot-zcash/zcash.conf and bitcore-node.json.

Clone the repo:

git clone
cd zcash-insight-explorer

Build the Docker image:

docker build -t zcash-hackworks/zcash-insight-explorer .

Create a volume to store the data directory so can reuse easily:

docker volume create zcash-data


docker run -itd --name zcash-explorer \
-p 80:3001 \
--mount source=zcash-data,destination=/home/zcash/.zcash \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/dot-zcash/zcash.conf,destination=/home/zcashd/.zcash/zcash.conf \

Then browse to http://localhost:80 and you should see the explorer up and running. As this will run in the background, to check the logs you can use docker logs --follow zcash-explorer although you can also check the height from the web interface by visiting http://localhost/status.

One thing to note is that this is running a patched version of 2.0.3. There is work being done to get the Insight code into zcashd master but long story short 2.0.3 will reach end of support early-June so you may need to update before then.

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