My goal is to allow a user to submit their Zcash address in a text field on a browser then I send them a small very small amount zcash to their address.
Currently, I am in the process of a running a mainnet node then will experiment with the zcash-cli features. Specifically the send zcash command. Do I need to run a full mainnet node to use the send command or is there a simpler way to do this when integrating with a website? I am a full stack developer and would appreciate any pointers to designing this feature.
So you are looking for users to submit thier address so you can send funds to them? Have you seen the ZecPages directory by @BrunchTime ?
Or are you looking to create a faucet where the process is automated on the back end? There is code (which may be a bit out of date) for a Testnet Zcash (TAZ) faucet at:
Thanks. I am looking to create a faucet, where a user can input their Zecwallet or even coinbase address. Then, in the backend it sends them a small amount. I am looking for something on mainnet. It seems that code is for testnet.