Notice of Formal Termination of the ECC/ZF Trademark Agreement


Inline with ECC’s April commitment, please see the attached termination of the Trademark Donation and License Agreement dated November 6, 2019 between ECC and the Zcash Foundation.

The 90 days notice period ends before the anticipated activation of NU6.

We request that you publicly commit to either:

  • use the trademark solely to protect against its misuse by scammers or clear abusers of the mark and not use it to attempt to govern the direction of the protocol,
  • or to relinquish the trademark completely.

This also reflects the will of the broader Zcash community as evidenced in recent community polling.

If ZF retains ownership of the mark, termination of the trademark agreement will revoke all ECC trademark rights. We request an ongoing limited license to continue providing community services, such as maintaining the website and managing the Zcash X account, unless or until another owner or solution is found.

Trademark Termination Letter.pdf (39.2 KB)


This is an important topic and it is being ignored for some reason.

The community should be aware of the Trademark process and we have nothing till now.

Should we schedule a formal Community Call dedicated to this topic to decide it as soon as possible? Since we don’t have any answers here.


With 26 reactions to @joshs post so far, I can’t imagine it’s being ignored! Personally I am watching attentively, because there’s not much else I can do here.


Are there any meetings going on regarding this or are you planning to issue a decision from the Zcash Foundation soon? @Dodger

It’s been almost five days since @joshs post and several months since ECC’s position and we haven’t seen any clear information about ZF. :thinking:


The ZF Board is considering options and taking advice on how the trademark should be managed going forward. It’s an important decision, and we don’t intend to rush it.

For the time being, there’s be no major changes. We’ll continue to maintain and protect the trademark, take down scammers and fraudsters, etc. ECC will continue to maintain key properties like the @Zcash twitter handle and the website.


This is alarming and should not be difficult to answer.

Will the ZF commit to limiting the use of the trademark to non-governance related activities, inline with the wishes of the community?


Engineers don’t limit themselves to non governmence related activities, what exactly is the issue?

Taking into account what @Dodger has just said, he should have been able to express something along those lines a long long time ago:

“While ZF is considering whether or not to relinquish the trademark completely, we commit to use the trademark solely to protect against its misuse by scammers or clear abusers of the mark and not use it to attempt to govern the direction of the protocol.”

See it now @Autotunafish ? Rather odds not to be able to say this don’t you think? I can see how the word “alarming” comes to mind.

This is the complete second iteration of the trademark debacle (I believe someone has a tshirt). I don’t really pretend to understand it completely now, nor then.

Are you being serious? You ask a specific question, I answer it, and now it’s the whole subject you don’t understand?