Dear Zcash community,
I am thrilled to announce the completion of Milestone 1, which includes adding support for ZIP-317 fees in the Ledger application.
Our next steps involve initiating the coordination of a security audit and preparing for the official submission of the app to Ledger.
Our goal is to initiate discussions with other web wallet providers as soon as possible, enabling them to seamlessly integrate it and making this accessible to a wider user base.
Please be aware that this application has NOT undergone an audit yet. Use it at your own risk. We plan to conduct the audit in the next few weeks.
Here is a demo video.
How to run ZecWallet lite:
git clone --branch master GitHub - Zondax/zecwallet-lite: Zecwallet-Lite is z-Addr first lightwallet for Zcash.
node --version
nvm install 16
v16.20.2 is already installed.
Now using node v16.20.2 (npm v8.19.4)
node --version
- Install dependencies and run the project (verify app is open before running)
yarn start
Now you should be able to see something like this:
Select the second option (Connect to Ledger) and it will ask you to enter the birthday. If you are not sure and set 0, it will start the synchronization from genesis block.
You can check here and search for a specific date. Then use the height field from the explorer as birthday. This will save you a lot of time!
Once the synchronization is completed, you will see this menu.
Go to Receive and select Transparent or Shielded and create a new address.
If you want to generate a shielded address, this will require interaction with the device and it will require several minutes to be created.
The user needs to review 2 steps to retrieve IVK and OVK from the device.
Once you have created an address, you should be able to receive funds and then make a transfer between any combination of transparent and shielded addresses.
Go to Send, fill the address, amount and memo if you are sending to a shielded address
A confirmation screen will pop up, if everything is correct, click on send
Check all the fields on the device and confirm the transaction. The transaction will required 5 steps and might take some minutes to be signed
If you don’t see your balance with the right amount, you might need to rescan. To do that, just go to the top menu, wallet and click in rescan