Orchard and UA for YWallet

Github is fine for me. Testing and dev feedback provided by users, combined with a dev willing and able to take suggestions, is essential for a product to improve. I didn’t participate in the initial beta testing but I know others definitely did and likely helped Ywallet a lot. I’d encourage all users of Ywallet who have the time to help @hanh make the best app possible by leaving feedback for him.

There’s nothing more that I would like than for Ywallet to be a trustworthy wallet for Zcash for years to come. Having working and consistent wallets is mission-critical for Zcash. And without Ywallet, 99% of Zcashers would have been literally unable to use Zcash for a(n) (ongoing) portion of this year.

In order for a currency to ever become acceptable, it has to be trustworthy. It has to be available whenever you need it. We need to avoid fits and starts, and I see supporting the continued development and maintenance of Ywallet as a way to do this.