Oscillating PoW/PoS Hybrid Algorithm

I.m.o. Zcash ought to get away from ASIC miners entirely, and as fast as possible.

They’re in large part, non-aligned mercenaries (they fight for security, are paid in ZEC) who have a near-zero appreciation for holding/ storing their ZEC.

(I’m doing some research into past community PoW/ PoS threads, and was very caught off guard that nobody paid this thread any interest)

Anticipate a poll in the next day or two, where the community will be asked about their current opinions.

  1. remain as-is, PoW with ASICs
  2. transition to Hybrid PoW/PoS, then eventually to total PoS
  3. transition to Hybrid PoW/PoS, and remain there (I believe this post by @PhusionPhil is an example)
  4. transition directly to PoS (avoiding the engineering of a Hybrid consensus state)
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