Please tell meWhere I can download ZCash wallet and start mining coins?

There is some source code and I don’t know what to do with that ?

I use Windows 7 , I hope I’ll mine some coins :slight_smile

Where I can buy some ZCash ?

Kind Regards,


Relax, keep reading. You’ve got 3+ months to get up to speed.

:slight_smile: Thank you very much. I want to learn :slight_smile: Please help me learn fast because I don’t know what is the first step to start with ZCash ?

If you have a spare computer available, install Ubuntu on it and then do your best to follow either of these guides:

If you don’t have a spare computer and you’re not so familiar with Linux, try installing something like VirtualBox on your existing windows computer and then install Ubuntu within VirtualBox. That way, if something goes wrong, the rest of your system will be unaffected.

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I will install Ubuntu .this week and start learning :slight_smile: Thank you ! You are really great !

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