Price Speculation

  1. sapling deployment is a “pumpable event”.
  2. ZEC coinbase listing is a definite possibility (i would take a chance, and buy ZEC even if i didn’t care about ZEC, specifically for this)
  3. zcash didn’t get listed on gemini for charity, certain actors must’ve been asking for this. let them accumulate ( ;
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i’m actually glad sapling was pushed-back

unlike last couple upgrades, we need to do more outreach with blog posts/coordinated shill ops… also, market cycle will be more in our favor. we need to form a crew of shills to dominate social media… “shill team 6”

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I want it to reach 1300$ too but i think the devs shouldn’t just improve the quality of zec like sapling but also make it more accesible to the market. For example they should try to make zcash tradable for goods like food, electric bills, gadgets or maybe for online purchases like amazon or maybe for e-gambling lols (the last one is just a joke but if they did it they will really make big money haha). They should also make it more accessible so it is easier to buy in exchange for fiat. With that variables im sure its price will grow very fast.

Look at bitcoin, it may lack in technology compared to the other crpytos but what makes it marketable is that it is easily accesible and can be traded for goods. Security is #1 priority but accesibility and tradability is a must.

Ps; Please forgive my grammar because i am really sleepy. This is just my opinion so if im wrng do correct me. Thank you.


This is my understanding of cryptocurrency in a perfect world. Hypothetically a cryptocurrency starts low in price those who buy/mine coins in the beginning will recieve the greatest profit while those at the end will gain less. In the early stage it is still unstable since prices increase and decrease rapidly but once it reaches its greatest of all time high then we can assume that the price of the coin wont increase anymore. If that happens those who buy coins at that time wont make any profit but will suffer loses. So at that time it will be good for trading goods only. That will likely happen in the future so if you want to gain money (for investment) you better hodl while it is still in its early stage. Because if it reaches the greatest of all time high(GoATH) which is the most peak, the price will just dance around that price.

Btw greatest of all time high is different from all time high possible. All time high possible is only achievable if the total sumation of all currency is in a single cryptocurrency. So we can estimate it but its nigh impossible to attain. However the GoATH will never be known since it can range from ATH to ATHP (all time high possible).

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one thing people might not understand: bitcoin was memed into existence. our memetics need to imporove image

like many communites; zcash might have too many big brains. for mass communication to be successful; communication needs to be on an 8th grade level. that’s why memetics is successful… picture’s worth a 1,000 words. humor/ridicule memes will work very well for zcash, specifically.


My phrase I always hammer at my team when they are developing the narrative…

“Present to kindergartners, be ready for the PHD.”

(a common one is Eisenstein’s “If you can’t explain is simply enough, you don’t really understand it” tends to get overplayed)
But like so many other crypto, ZEC doesn’t have much for a marketing/communications effort. Without getting too much into the weeds on communication theory, the short is that the narrative always drives success, not the other way around. Because of this, you shouldn’t rely on someone else to develop the narrative for you. This has been on of my longer standing criticisms of Zcash (though in fairness, it’s not unique to ZEC in the crypto community).

Know who develops their own narrative? Coinbase, Gemini, Ethereum, Ripple, Dash, Monero…

I think you nailed it…accessibility will have a far greater impact on adoption right now than network upgrading will.
Unfortunately, I think the network upgrading has to happen to support the increased adoption, specifically for Z-Addresses. There are plenty of other coins you can use for just as cheap and faster than ZEC for normal transactions, the shielded addresses are the real advantage. They need improvement for greater adoption to utilize them.

I completely agree with you. Network upgrade should be prioritized first since it can and will be one of the advantage against its competitors but i hope that the devs will not disregard the other important factors. Cryptocurrency like all goods need to be easily accesible and be known in order to be sold in a market. No matter how good a product is, it is useless if no one knows or doesn’t have access it. Thats why big companies pay so much money on advertisements, because they know that society follows trends.

7% move out of nowhere, any news?


@zooko - hello? Seriously, man…this is marketing…I nominate @kek to be your new CMO (FWIW)

Second case study: Branding, vis a vis Dogecoin…so wow…very money.


So this will be a bit of a problem for adoption: possible discontinuation of windows Zcash wallet. Which could result in a hard-fork with upcoming updates.

This is a problem akin to not having adequate marketing/communications. Zcash has plenty of development talent but lacks many of the support talent required to make an organization thrive (in this case a Strategic Analyst or a Product Manager).

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They can apply some of that talent and develop their own wallet ASAP.

Good news! This was just posted Careers - Electric Coin Company

While I fully support the continued development of WinZec the hard-fork stuff is a bit overblown as there is a plan to put non-Overwinter nodes into safe mode before Overwinter activates Zcashd v1.0.15 and below into safe mode a few days before Overwinter activates · Issue #3328 · zcash/zcash · GitHub and would require a user to manually override this to transact on the “wrong” chain. That said, as per this thread, I can’t imagine Overwinter being a major catalyst for the price to the upside and has the potential to cause a bit of short-term disruption :crossed_fingers:


Scroll down to “US Exchange Differentiation Takes Back Seat as Coinbase Follows Suit”., then “|| BULLISH CASE FOR ZCASH ON COINBASE?”

could be a useful tool for people that don’t like wasting time on twitter

Market f…d again😐…

Als is laughing now…wtf!

Btc is droping and killing everything

Im not surprised by the way it moves we might see bitcoin droping below 5k, might as well blame those hack prone wallets.