Privacy services from Zcash to Status usage within the Ukrainian-Russian war (research)

Grant idea: A research on how privacy web3-solutions are used within the Ukrainian-Russian war (with a focus on private currencies like Zcash).


  • research based on the interviews with the different parties in need of external privacy protection (from NGOs receiving funds from abroad to volunteers on the Russian-controlled territories).
  • it will highlight existing use-cases (like funding SUV for territorial defence forces) & potential (to be explored use-cases)
  • it will be maximum practical, so use cases could be shared within Zcash community, partners & the media


  • 100%-GitHub friendly
  • PDF report
  • UX/UI alike personas (PDF + PPTX)

Reference: AccessNow’ digital safety tips

Category: education & community

Moreover, I want to take a step further:

  • Collaborate with Ukrainian DAO (
  • present results publicly via Ukraine DAO events similar to Kyiv Tech Summit
  • expand the partner’s network via (example: Digital security lab)
  • collab with Ukraine DAO to PR globally how Ukrainians are using privacy-enhancing solutions (also Zcash)


  • Jason McGee from Zcash Community Grants.
  • Josh Swihart from ECC is interested in the results (to share with the human rights events)

Here’s a grant application.

Feel free to visit the Web3privacy now project I’m maintaining now on GitHub.

My opinion. Not ECC’s.

I’d like to voice my support for this. My inclination is that Zcash’s neutrality and privacy features make it a great option for monetary transfer in these types of situations, and I’d love to see more research on it.

I believe this grant should be funded.


Thanks for your support.

I think we are in the moment when privacy-enhancing solutions are seeing wrong, so scaling up use-cases (especially within the human-rights direction) would help everyone from journalists to activists have practical examples how Zcash literally saves human lives.


Also, I want to highlight to everyone a fact that: the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine is highly active within crypto regulation (positive for us). They even have dedicated people that are responsible for facilitating an image of a crypto-native nation. I’m in touch with those people.

So the next step after the report is to share findings at the next level → from the media to official sources (like that Ministry). So they would support us within PR because they are interested in showing an innovation-centric image of the country within so complex context.


This is a really interesting project. Zcash is a very powerful tool for those that need it most. I am broadly supportive.


Some good news from my side: we are doing 2 pro-privacy events in Prague & Brno.

So results will be presented there to wider community.
Czech team was behind cool hackathon in 2022 with NYM, Manta Network, Devfolio, EEF contributing with either sponsorships, speeches & so on.

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@Siusko, & Zcash Community, I am happy to announce that the @ZcashGrants Committee unanimously voted to approve this Grant Proposal at the most recent meeting.


Thanks to everyone from @ZcashGrants Committee & community for great support.


Milestone 1 - done:

  • I found more than 50+ specific use cases in need of extended privacy protection
  • They cover wast audiences from teenagers to journalists
  • Privacy coins like Zcash could play a pivotal role in saving people’s lives, providing additional means for survival & organizational sustainability (one example: domestic violence centre).

Everything is on GitHub: Grants/ at main · web3privacy/Grants · GitHub

Example of the explicit case:
Case: Ukrainian teenagers deported to Russia (example)


One more good news here: Zcash applicability is just massive within so many “modalities” of how the currency could be applied. Here’s a tip I assembled: link


Це чудовий проект :slight_smile: Am super interested in following use cases of Zcash in Ukraine and Russia.

Milestone 2 - done:

*I completed a research PDF
*Uploaded into GitHub: link
*Zcash plays the most important role within a broad range of audiences in need of privacy from NGOs to academics
*The necessity for privacy starts with mere like or share (you can be fined & stalked for these actions).
*62 slides full of use cases, different audiences & implications of privacy tools

Everything is on GitHub: PDF report