I think I heard @holmesworcester propose an algorithm whereby members of the @ZcashGrants resign (in order to facilitate diversity along some dimensions that He selected).
It’s my opinion that being elected to a position on the ZOMG, and accepting that position, is an assumption of responsibility. Clearly, anyone can step down at any time, but in doing so they are abdicating responsibility.
I understand that ires are raised, and tempers piqued, nevertheless, I believe that abdication of ZOMG responsibility really constitutes a betrayal of My Trust (I can’t speak for the wider community, but I bet a few others would agree).
I think @alchemydc is rad, but he is not representative of unheard voices in almost any dimension that I can think of.
So, anywho with my position on the ZCAP (oh wait jk I don’t have one), and the authority vested in me by my irreverent personality, I vote that we go with option 2 from @Shawn’s opinion.
So, now that I have ratified Shawn’s Opinion, shall we move forward?
But seriously, perhaps we could open a discussion/nomination forum, where the community gets to be heard, and then the ZOMG rules by fiat? I am with @Matthewdgreen on the whole “interminable conversation”, let’s get this boat in gear Go, Go, Go, issue.
How about a straw poll of the current @ZcashGrants ?
If you were to pick a replacement by fiat who would it be?
Why not @ml_sudo? I don’t think she needs @holmesworcester or @Souptacular or another woman to protect her.
Though, to be clear, I don’t claim any particular right to speak for @ml_sudo, nor do I know if she’s even available anymore.