Removing ZCAP members

Hi @Dodger ,
cc @moderators

Well this is awkward…
I am Lillian Gish.

I replied to your email request for a meeting, sent to my ZCAP registered email, on June 1, 2022.
Have not heard back from you yet & will assume you are otherwise occupied.

Yes James Joseph invited me.
I have voted with no problems using this identity in prior ZCAP instances.

I’m not sure why this ID has come under scrutiny, as the account activity has been nothing but polite & rule abiding.

Howard Loo has extended a ZCAP invitation to me, which I have decided to accept, under this ID. Once it is active, please withdraw the Lillian Gish ID. It is legitimate but the name has been tainted due to the suspicions cast here. Too bad. It wasted a perfectly good alias.

I guess the long & the short of it is you all are still stuck with me for now unless you decide to explain fairly, openly, transparently & as a majority decision …one would hope… why it is you believe after all that has been said & done over the years, that my interests are anything but aligned with the greater good of the community.

Old enough to remember when there was barely a community <3
Thank you