Retire Transparent Pool on the 10th Zcash Birthday - Let's Make It Official!

Yes, that’s why we need to make this decision soon. Will Zcash guarantee CEX access to transparent ZEC for the long term or not?

I think the current ambiguous state is the worst, where many (if not most) Zcashers want to get rid of Transparent pool but outsiders expect Zcash to always support Transparent address.

Let’s discuss what kind of expectation Zcashers have.

Also, while this poll is about “retiring” transparent pool. Technically, there are many ways to accomplish this. Including Draft ZIP: Disabling Addition of New Value to the Transparent Pool which makes sure t-address will still be usable but no new ZEC will enter transparent pool, similar to how Sprout pool is currently treated.

To be honest, if getting rid of Transparent pool makes Zcash easier to develop and maintain, I will gladly accept CEX delisting if it gets to it. I want Zcash to succeed as cash in the long term, not be traded on certain regulatory-arbitrager-cum-government-asskisser exchange long term.

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