Reward campaign "Hunt for block" this weekend

Let’s extend the hunt. Let’s find a block!

The line is hardcoded in the stratum reply here. pool_frontend_zcash/zcashpool.cpp at master · eXtremal-ik7/pool_frontend_zcash · GitHub

But you’ll notice all of the power stats will be wrong if you lower that target. I have not yet figured out a simple fix for “vardiff” on this pool.

You will find comments about TODO’s in this pool. vardiif is just not completed or ever started yet.


Info: pool power now at 12000sol/s

The first block will soon arrive.

Can you smell block :smile:?

Yes, it seems so. We just hit that block!!/coin/ZEC

yeeey :smiley: 20char

Do I smell another block…

New reward campaign