September summary of Foundation activities

Hello everyone, and happy October! Here’s a snappy update on the Foundation’s September doings.

We took over the Zcash forum and the chat: Forum handover + URL change

We sponsored the Zero Knowledge Summit in Berlin. Check out the videos from the event: Zero Knowledge Summit 2018 - Part 1 of 2 - YouTube

The Foundation also sponsored Crypto Springs in Palm Springs (in fact, Josh is attending right now).

We launched a full guide to running Zcash meetups: home - zcash foundation

Unveiled our new visual branding:

Announced an upcoming meetup during SF Blockchain Week: Login to Meetup | Meetup

The Foundation also continued to work on technical hiring. A couple of favored candidates fell through, unfortunately, but we’re pursuing multiple proposals for reference wallet implementations (both on mobile and desktop). We still want to hire a protocol developer, so please send this link to anyone who might be interested: Hire protocol developer · Issue #74 · ZcashFoundation/ZcashFoundation · GitHub

We started fleshing out the new website, which will be more organized and accessible — see the WIP here: GitHub - RichardLitt/ The Zcash Foundation Website

We started brainstorming a revamped, nimbler Grants Program. Details are still being figured out.

And lastly, Antonie is still doing early planning for Zcon1. We hope to announce a location soon!


Congrats on all the great work! Really digging the rebrand. :grin:

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Back atcha, I saw your work announcement in the chat!