Is there any guide / guideline for setting up at zcash mining pool ?
I have som experience with VPS and Linux and would be nice to setup a pool.
Is there any guide / guideline for setting up at zcash mining pool ?
I have som experience with VPS and Linux and would be nice to setup a pool.
None as of this moment.
Contact pool admins directly for pointers, or dive in heads first with GitHub - p2pool/p2pool: Peer-to-peer Bitcoin mining pool
For further options - Search · mining pool · GitHub
Thanks alot for the info! Will continue with my research.
ZyLoC any progress in create pool?
I’m also looking into setting up pools. XCash being one of them. Did you make any progress?
@karlo74 are you leveling up your necromancer skills? You’re replying to a bunch of threads from Oct 2016 Lol