Slow blockchain download

Damn, yes, you’re right, forgot about the default.

Where exactly do I change this value ?

Got this error today, it was around 54% complete, so I will not be completing the full synching of zcash wallet after all. I am not the one that needed it, but wanted to confirm it is not working.

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On my end, just finished it, means it took exactly 24 hours under heavy CPU load. I think this is something someone can live with.

Now reading the other forum members attempt seems they have problems for some reason. I think it’s worth investigating why 2 out of 3 members got problems.

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I did get BSOD during the download for some reason, so maybe that corrupted it.

You just have shitty pc and disk. Just like I do. But now we know it thanks to zcashd and ChileBob
Rather curious is that 2 of 3 attempts to install zec wallet failed (from us three only boxalex succed).
I don’t know how much more we will wait for light wallet. So I’m curious why not to programm stupid zcashd to resolve such errors automatically. I asked this few times already and I understand why devs don’t react to this - because it’s shame.

Just for context, it always takes ~10 days to reindex the blockchain on my machine with a slow SSD, 8GB RAM and 50Mbps connection.

In any case, if you see that the syncing appears to be stuck at any point, check the debug.log for errors.

It’s not an option to go check some log. Wallet is something for masses. And it is even more ridiculous to download everything from scratch if something went wrong after few hours of downloading.
But it seems only zcash devs don’t understand it. Or they pretend they don’t.
There are at least one bug and one problem by design in downloading process, but they don’t give a… any comments about it, except for - “soon (in some few years or may be never) light wallet will be released”. But even if it would, this does not change the fact that zcashd is buggy rubbish.