If you run native linux client I can assure you it could take weeks to syncronize the bitcoin blockchain.
What usually happens is that they provide the blocks syncronized to a certain point (usaully to the block of the day it has been uploaded).
You can download proving/verifying sprout keys of zcash and be only a couple of months behind. Here are the files from Jan 2017: x.com
If anyone has a more updated version please post the link.
send me your bitcointalk profile link, or it never happend.
You didn’t specify your os, I would have never expected a linux user to have difficulty.
Anywhoes I believe .key files are used also in linux zcashd.
Anyways, I’ve got the main client on an ubuntu partition and it took 4-5 hours to sycronize to latest block. So your problem could be network related, what type of connection do you have (ethernet, wifi, mobile, speed, etc.), any firewalls? Did you try to remove and reinstall zcashd client?
Yeah, It may be the network. But how come it is starting fine and wimps down to a almost absolute stop? I’d like to point out that this happened the first time I started the program and is happening everytime I execute the ‘-reindex’ command to start over. Only It seems that it is experiencing an anomaly. Varying each time when it stops at ‘=%’. First 43%, second 23%, third 42% and so on.
Every time I tried to sync the block-chain on the Zcash GUI, it froze at the 42% mark.
Use command prompt and enter “c:\Program Files\zcash4win\app\zcashd.exe” -damemon=0 -showmetrics=1
And let it load via command prompt, it will sync to 100%.
And If it stops, you can close command prompt and redo the command and it will restart where it froze.