I understand it’s way nicer to collaborate between humans and shake hands. But at some point, in this project, this view may bite you if you succeed at being impactful. And from that point, this may then severely limit how impactful you can be going forward.
Build a fully pseudonymous persona, or multiple ones for things that should not be linked together. No need to go full tinfoil hat, but yes, build strong opsec skills.
It may be painful to let go of your KYC’d reputation but it will keep you a lot safer going forward. Same applies to conferences. I am glad part of the community keeps meeting, but being in contact with them though your real identity may now be “toxic” as they are most likely surveilled. If that’s too hard to understand, look at the social score in China, that’s exactly how it works.
If you are here for Zcash being used as zUSD then maybe it’s fine to be KYC’d. I would love for zUSD to work out, but that’s not why I am here. If you are here for Zcash being a tool to fight oppression, to bring freedom to people, you will be targeted. Do not use your real identity.