Tales - Empowering Interactive Narratives

Tales - Empowering Interactive Narratives: Tales Unleashes a New Era of Digital Storytelling and Community Engagement

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Tales - Empowering Interactive Narratives: Tales Unleashes a New Era of Digital Storytelling and Community Engagement

Applicant name:


Team member name:



Tales: Transforming storytelling by leveraging cutting-edge AI and blockchain to create immersive, interactive narratives.

Total Request (USD):

$600000 USD

Have you previously received a grant from Zcash Community Grants (formerly called ZOMG) or ZF?


Are you seeking or have you received funding from other sources for this proposed project?


Applicant background:

*Jose - Engineer, blockchain/web3 focus - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseherreram/

  • Rem - Engineer, focusing on platform development and maintenance. - https://www.linkedin.com/in/remingtonchan/

  • Erin - Content Strategist, guiding the content creation and narrative design. - https://www.linkedin.com/in/erinamymcfarlane/

  • Ryan - Designer, ensuring an intuitive and engaging user experience. - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-laplante-05512230/

  • The team brings together diverse expertise spanning traditional storytelling, game design, digital marketing, and blockchain technology, fostering a rich creative and technical foundation.

  • The team has demonstrated adaptability, a commitment to continuous learning, and a focus on community-driven development, ensuring responsiveness to user feedback and evolving market demands.

Description of Problem or Opportunity:

Problem/Opportunity Addressed:

  1. Monetization and Ownership: Traditional digital storytelling platforms often limit creators’ ability to monetize their work fairly and retain ownership. Tales addresses this by enabling blockchain-based tokenization, providing creators with new ways to earn revenue and maintain control over their content.

  2. Audience Engagement: Current platforms offer passive consumption experiences. Tales enhances this by introducing interactive narratives, allowing audience decisions to shape story outcomes, thereby increasing engagement and immersion.

  3. Integration and Accessibility: Many storytelling platforms are isolated, lacking integration capabilities. Tales leverages blockchain to offer seamless interaction and broader access, breaking down silos between different digital experiences.

Value to the Zcash Ecosystem:

  • Innovation and Diversification: By integrating with Zcash, Tales can offer enhanced privacy for transactions, attracting users who value confidentiality, thus diversifying the Zcash ecosystem’s application use cases.

  • Community Growth: Introducing a novel platform like Tales to the Zcash ecosystem can attract a new user base, including storytellers, readers, and interactive content enthusiasts, fostering community growth.

  • Use Case Expansion: Implementing Zcash for transactions within Tales showcases the cryptocurrency’s versatility beyond traditional financial use cases, highlighting its potential in digital commerce, particularly in the creative industries.

Team Expertise and Background:

Our team comprises experts in AI, blockchain, digital media, and storytelling, with proven success in developing innovative platforms. We have a track record of creating solutions that blend technology and creativity, ensuring that our project aligns with the needs and expectations of today’s digital audience while pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in content creation and engagement.

Anticipated Challenges:

  • Integration Complexity: Seamlessly integrating Zcash to provide privacy-centric transactions within the Tales ecosystem may present technical challenges, requiring robust solutions to ensure user-friendliness and security.

  • Market Adoption: Encouraging widespread adoption of Tales within the Zcash community will require targeted outreach and demonstrating clear benefits, particularly how privacy enhancements can serve content creators and consumers.

  • Ongoing Innovation: Staying ahead in the rapidly evolving fields of blockchain and AI necessitates continuous innovation and adaptation, ensuring that Tales remains a leading platform in interactive digital storytelling.

By addressing these challenges and leveraging our team’s expertise, Tales is poised to make a significant impact within the Zcash ecosystem, demonstrating the power of privacy-focused blockchain technology in fostering a new era of digital storytelling and audience engagement.

Proposed Solution:

The Tales project is designed to engage a variety of users and stakeholders within the Zcash ecosystem, offering distinct interactions and benefits for each group:

  1. Retail ZEC Holders:
  • Engage with Tales by using ZEC for transactions, such as purchasing NFTs or accessing premium content.

  • Benefit from a new utility avenue for ZEC, enhancing its value proposition and usage scenarios.

  1. Zcash Core Developers:
  • Collaborate on integrating advanced privacy features within Tales, potentially adopting Zcash’s shielded transactions to ensure user anonymity.

  • Use Tales as a platform to showcase the practical applications of Zcash’s privacy technology in web3 environments.

  1. Wallet Developers:
  • Integrate Tales functionalities into Zcash wallets, allowing users to access and interact with the platform directly.

  • Develop new features or plugins that enhance the synergy between Zcash transactions and Tales’ content ecosystem.

  1. DeFi Users:
  • Leverage Tales to explore new forms of DeFi-related content, such as interactive financial education or gamified investment stories.

  • Utilize ZEC within Tales’ ecosystem for unique DeFi applications, potentially linking narrative outcomes to financial actions or rewards.

  1. Potential Zcash Community Participants:
  • Attract new users to the Zcash community who are interested in the intersection of storytelling and blockchain technology.

  • Engage community members through interactive content, discussions, and feedback mechanisms within Tales, fostering a stronger, more vibrant Zcash community.

By addressing these user groups and their potential interactions with Tales, the project aims to add significant value to the Zcash ecosystem, driving engagement, utility, and adoption.

Solution Format:

The final deliverable for the Tales project will encompass several key components, each tailored to enhance the Zcash ecosystem and provide value to its various user segments:

  1. Interactive Storytelling Platform: A comprehensive web-based platform where users can create, share, and engage with interactive narratives. This platform will serve as the central hub for Tales, showcasing its integration with Zcash for transactions.

  2. Blockchain-Enabled Content Creation Tools: A suite of AI-powered tools that allow creators to craft engaging stories, which users can interact with. These tools will be accessible through the platform and integrated with Zcash to facilitate content monetization and ownership.

  3. NFT Marketplace: A marketplace within the Tales platform where creators can tokenize their narratives and assets as NFTs, enabling them to sell, trade, or license their work securely. This marketplace will leverage Zcash for transactions, highlighting the currency’s privacy features.

  4. User Documentation and Manuals: Comprehensive guides and tutorials to assist users in navigating the platform, creating content, and engaging with the marketplace. This documentation will ensure that all platform features are accessible and fully utilized.

  5. Developer SDKs/APIs: For broader ecosystem integration, the project will provide SDKs and APIs, enabling other developers, especially those in the Zcash community, to build on or integrate with Tales, fostering a more interconnected digital environment.

  6. Community Engagement and Support Resources: Establishing forums, help centers, and direct support channels to aid users, gather feedback, and foster a community around interactive storytelling and Zcash.

Technical Approach:

The workflow for the Tales project encapsulates a comprehensive process that starts from content creation and extends through user engagement and analytics, ensuring a dynamic and immersive storytelling experience. Here is a detailed breakdown of our workflow:

  1. Content Creation:
  • Creators use Tales’ AI-powered tools to develop engaging, interactive narratives.

  • These tools aid in creating dynamic characters, immersive environments, and branching storylines.

  • Accessibility is ensured across devices, enabling creators to work on both web and mobile platforms.

  1. Content Tokenization:
  • Completed stories are tokenized into NFTs, allowing creators to establish ownership and set terms for royalties and usage rights.

  • The platform simplifies blockchain complexity, offering an intuitive interface for creators to manage their NFTs.

  1. Smart Contract Deployment:
  • Corresponding smart contracts are generated and deployed for each NFT, detailing the logic for ownership, transfers, and royalty distributions.

  • Smart contracts are rigorously tested and audited to ensure security and compliance.

  1. Marketplace Interaction:
  • NFTs are listed in Tales’ marketplace, where creators set sale parameters and engage with potential buyers.

  • The marketplace supports various transaction types and is integrated within the platform for ease of access.

  1. Transaction and Ownership:
  • Upon sale, the smart contract facilitates the transfer of NFT ownership, with the blockchain providing a transparent record of the transaction.

  • Royalties and rights transfers are managed automatically, ensuring creators are compensated fairly.

  1. User and Creator Incentives:
  • Tales incentivizes participation through a token system, rewarding creators for content production and users for engagement activities.

  • This system is designed to foster a supportive community, encouraging ongoing content creation and interaction.

  1. Analytics and Feedback:
  • Detailed analytics allow creators to track story performance and user engagement, gaining insights to refine future projects.

  • Direct feedback mechanisms enable communication between creators and their audience, enhancing content relevance and quality.

This workflow not only demonstrates our project’s technical robustness and user-centric design but also illustrates our commitment to supporting creators and engaging users within a dynamic storytelling ecosystem. Through each phase, we ensure that the Tales platform is intuitive, secure, and conducive to creative expression, leveraging blockchain technology to redefine digital storytelling.

Dependencies: What external entities is your project dependent on? What involvement is required from ZF, ECC, and/or other external organizations? Who would have to incorporate your work in order for it to be usable?

The Tales project is dependent on several external entities and requires collaboration with various organizations within the blockchain ecosystem to ensure successful integration and deployment:

  1. Zcash Foundation (ZF):
  • Engagement with ZF is crucial for guidance on best practices for integrating Zcash’s privacy features into Tales.

  • Potential support in the form of grants or technical assistance to optimize the use of Zcash for transaction privacy within the Tales platform.

  1. Electric Coin Company (ECC):
  • Collaboration with ECC may be necessary for technical support, especially for deep integration of Zcash’s privacy-preserving technologies.

  • ECC’s expertise could assist in ensuring that Tales’ use of Zcash complies with security standards and maximizes privacy benefits.

  1. Third-Party Wallet Developers:
  • Integration with wallets that support Zcash is vital for seamless user transactions within Tales.

  • Wallet developers may need to incorporate specific functionalities or plugins to interact efficiently with Tales, such as direct access to the marketplace or in-story purchases.

  1. DeFi Platforms and Protocols:
  • If Tales incorporates DeFi elements, partnerships with existing Zcash-compatible DeFi platforms or protocols could enhance the project’s value proposition.

  • Such collaborations could enable innovative use cases, like staking or yield farming, directly within the storytelling platform.

  1. Community and User Base:
  • Engagement with the broader Zcash community to garner feedback, drive adoption, and foster a user base invested in the platform’s success.

  • Active participation and support from community members, including ZEC holders and potential Zcash community participants, will be critical for network effects and platform growth.

  1. Blockchain and AI Technology Providers:
  • Depending on the project’s specific technical needs, partnerships with blockchain infrastructure providers and AI technology services might be necessary.

  • These providers would offer essential back-end support, ensuring the Tales platform is robust, scalable, and capable of integrating advanced AI and blockchain features.

  1. Regulatory and Compliance Advisors:
  • To navigate the complex regulatory landscape of blockchain and digital assets, Tales may rely on external legal and compliance experts, particularly those familiar with privacy regulations and Zcash’s compliance framework.

Execution risks:

Execution Risks:

  1. Technical Complexity: Integrating advanced AI and blockchain technologies could present unforeseen technical challenges, potentially delaying project milestones.

  2. User Adoption: Convincing users to transition from traditional digital storytelling platforms to a blockchain-based system may require significant effort and strategic marketing.

  3. Market Competition: The digital storytelling and NFT market is rapidly evolving, with numerous players entering the space. Standing out and capturing significant market share poses a considerable challenge.

  4. Regulatory Uncertainty: Changes in regulatory landscapes regarding cryptocurrencies and digital assets can impact the platform’s operation, especially concerning NFTs and tokenized assets.

  5. Technology Integration: Ensuring seamless integration of Zcash for privacy-focused transactions while maintaining user-friendliness and platform stability.


  1. ZF and ECC: While Tales operates independently, collaboration or guidance from the Zcash Foundation and Electric Coin Company could be beneficial for integrating Zcash’s privacy features, ensuring compliance, and possibly receiving grants or technical support.

  2. External Developers: The integration of Tales’ features into existing wallets or platforms may require cooperation from wallet developers and other service providers in the Zcash ecosystem to ensure users can easily access and use the platform.

  3. Content Creators: The core value of Tales hinges on attracting talented creators to produce engaging content. Their adoption and sustained use of the platform are crucial for its success.

  4. Community and User Base: For Tales to be usable and thrive, it must build and maintain a strong community of users, including retail ZEC holders, potential Zcash community participants, and DeFi users who could benefit from the platform’s interactive and immersive content.

To address these risks, the Tales team would need to establish clear communication channels with all stakeholders, continuously monitor and adapt to regulatory changes, and actively engage with the Zcash community to foster adoption and collaboration. Additionally, developing robust technical documentation and user guides will be essential for encouraging external developers and service providers to integrate and support Tales’ functionalities.

Unintended Consequences:

  1. Usability:
  • The complexity of blockchain technology could pose usability challenges for less tech-savvy users, potentially limiting access to a broader audience.
  1. Stability:
  • Increased platform activity could strain the system, highlighting the need for robust infrastructure to maintain performance and reliability.
  1. Privacy:
  • Balancing transparency and privacy, especially in the context of a public blockchain, could result in unexpected privacy challenges.
  1. Integrity:
  • Ensuring the integrity of interactive narratives and user-generated content could become challenging as the platform scales, necessitating advanced content moderation and curation mechanisms.

  • The tokenization of story elements might lead to disputes over ownership or copyright, requiring clear governance and resolution processes.

  1. Availability:
  • High demand or network congestion could affect the platform’s availability, impacting user experience and trust.

  • Dependency on the Zcash network means that Tales could be affected by issues outside its control, such as network forks or updates.

  1. Decentralization:
  • Centralized components of the platform, if any, could become targets for attacks or points of failure, undermining the benefits of blockchain decentralization.

  • The project must navigate the trade-offs between decentralized governance and efficient decision-making, especially as it scales.

  1. Interoperability:
  • Ensuring seamless interaction with various blockchain assets and platforms requires maintaining high interoperability standards, which can be technically challenging and resource-intensive.
  1. Maintainability and Technical Debt:
  • Rapid development cycles could lead to technical debt, impacting future scalability and feature expansion.

  • Adopting emerging technologies necessitates continuous learning and adaptation, which could strain resource allocation and focus.

  1. Requisite Education:
  • Users and creators may need education on blockchain and NFTs to fully leverage the platform’s features, requiring ongoing outreach and support.

  • The novelty of blockchain-based storytelling necessitates user acclimatization to new forms of content consumption and interaction.

  1. Dependency and Integration:
  • For Tales to be fully usable, it would need integration by wallet providers, exchanges, and possibly other platforms that leverage Zcash, requiring cooperation and compatibility across different entities and technologies.

By anticipating these potential ramifications, Tales can strategize to mitigate risks, ensuring that its success translates into positive outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

Evaluation plan:

Quantitative Metrics:

  1. User Adoption Rates: Track the number of active users and content creators on the platform, aiming for consistent growth over time.

  2. Content Volume: Monitor the amount and variety of interactive stories created, measuring the platform’s vibrancy and appeal.

  3. Transaction Activity: Analyze the volume and value of transactions conducted within the platform, particularly focusing on NFT sales and trades.

  4. Community Engagement: Quantify community participation through metrics like forum posts, feedback submissions, and social media interactions.

  5. Platform Performance: Assess the technical stability and scalability of the platform, including uptime, response times, and incident reports.

Qualitative Metrics:

  1. User Satisfaction: Gather feedback through surveys, interviews, and direct community interactions to gauge user satisfaction with the platform’s features and usability.

  2. Creator Empowerment: Evaluate the success stories of creators using the platform, focusing on how it has enabled them to monetize their work and reach wider audiences.

  3. Innovative Use Cases: Document and showcase novel and impactful uses of the platform, highlighting how it fosters creativity and new forms of storytelling.

  4. Community Cohesion: Assess the strength and positivity of the community through qualitative analysis of interactions, feedback, and collaborative projects.

  5. Market Position: Determine the platform’s standing in the competitive landscape, considering user perceptions, brand recognition, and media coverage.

Hardware/Software total budget:

$50000.00 USD

Please provide justification for the total hardware/software budget:

  • Blockchain Infrastructure and Development Tools: $20,000 allocated for purchasing and setting up the necessary server infrastructure to support blockchain operations, including node hosting and testing environments.

  • AI Development Tools and Licenses: $30,000 for acquiring advanced AI software licenses and development tools to create and enhance content creation algorithms.

Services total budget (cloud, hosting, etc.):

$150000.00 USD

Please provide justification for the total services budget:

  • Cloud Hosting and Computing Services: $100,000 allocated for cloud services to ensure high availability and scalability of the Tales platform, supporting intensive AI processes and blockchain operations.

  • Maintenance and Support Contracts: $50,000 for ongoing service agreements ensuring system reliability, security updates, and technical support.

Compensation total budget:

$400000.00 USD

Please provide justification for the total compensation budget:

  • Core Team Salaries: $250,000 allocated across the development team, including blockchain developers, AI specialists, and platform engineers. The compensation figures are determined based on competitive industry standards, considering the team’s expertise and the project’s technical demands.

  • Content and Community Management: $100,000 for hiring content strategists and community managers to develop engaging content and nurture the platform’s user base.

  • External Consultants and Auditors: $50,000 for engaging with blockchain security experts and smart contract auditors to ensure the platform’s integrity and user trust.

  • Compensation is allocated for the team working on the project, including developers, designers, project managers, and other staff.

Do you require startup funding?


Start up funding

Our request for start-up funding stems from the immediate need to secure critical resources and initiate foundational activities that are essential for the successful launch of our project. Without this initial investment, we would be unable to commence the following pivotal aspects:

  1. Resource Acquisition: Immediate funding is necessary to procure essential hardware and software that form the backbone of our development environment, enabling us to build a secure, efficient, and scalable platform from the outset.

  2. Initial Development Phase: Start-up funds will support the initial phase of development, including setting up the project infrastructure, conducting preliminary research, and developing the core platform components that are crucial for subsequent milestones.

  3. Team Mobilization: Our project’s success hinges on the ability to mobilize and secure a dedicated team of experts. Start-up funding is required to compensate these professionals fairly from the project’s inception, ensuring their commitment and enabling a focused and accelerated development timeline.

Roadmap and Milestones:

Milestone 1: Platform Foundation and Initial Blockchain Integration

  • Estimated Completion Date: 3 Months from start of project.

  • USD Value of Payout: $80,000

  • Deliverables:

  • 1.1 Core Web3-Enhanced AI Tools for Content Creation: Development and integration of AI tools that enable advanced narrative and character creation within a blockchain environment.

  • 1.2 Basic Blockchain Infrastructure Setup for NFT Minting: Establishment of the initial blockchain infrastructure to enable the minting and management of narrative and character-based NFTs.

  • 1.3 Smart Contract Framework for Content Tokenization: Implementation of smart contracts to manage content tokenization, rights, and royalties.

Milestone 2: Advanced Platform Development and User Interface Integration

  • Estimated Completion Date: 6 Months from start of project.

  • USD Value of Payout: $120,000

  • Deliverables:

  • 2.1 Integrated Platform with Advanced Blockchain Functionality: Completion of platform integration with blockchain to support secure transactions, ownership verification, and a token-based incentive system.

  • 2.2 Enhanced User Interface for Web3 Storytelling Experience: Development of an advanced user interface that provides an immersive and intuitive experience for interacting with blockchain-based storytelling elements.

  • 2.3 Initial Content Creator Onboarding and Support Tools: Implementation of tools and resources to facilitate content creator onboarding and to support their use of the platform’s advanced features.

Milestone 3: Beta Testing, Community Engagement, and Marketing

  • Estimated Completion Date: 9 Months from start of project.

  • USD Value of Payout: $100,000

  • Deliverables:

  • 3.1 Beta Platform Release and User Feedback Collection: Launch of the beta version of the Tales platform to collect user feedback and iterate on the product.

  • 3.2 Community Building Initiatives and Engagement Programs: Execution of community engagement strategies to build a robust and active user base for the platform.

  • 3.3 Initial Marketing Campaign and User Acquisition: Rollout of the initial marketing campaign to build awareness of Tales and attract early users and content creators.

Milestone 4: Official Launch and Operational Scaling

  • Estimated Completion Date: 12 Months from start of project.

  • USD Value of Payout: $150,000

  • Deliverables:

  • 4.1 Official Platform Launch with Marketing Support: Coordination of the official platform launch, including a comprehensive marketing strategy to maximize visibility and user adoption.

  • 4.2 Platform Scaling and Ecosystem Expansion: Implementation of operational scaling strategies to enhance platform capacity and user experience, along with expanding the Tales ecosystem to include a wider array of creators and narrative content.

  • 4.3 Post-Launch Monitoring and Iterative Improvement: Establishment of mechanisms for ongoing monitoring, feedback collection, and iterative improvement of the platform based on user engagement and feedback.

Start up funding - USD value of payout upon approval of grant:


Milestone 1 - estimated completion date:


Milestone 1 - USD value of payout upon completion of deliverables:


Deliverable 1.1

1.1 Core Web3-Enhanced AI Tools for Content Creation: Development and integration of AI tools that enable advanced narrative and character creation within a blockchain environment.

Deliverable 1.2

1.2 Basic Blockchain Infrastructure Setup for NFT Minting: Establishment of the initial blockchain infrastructure to enable the minting and management of narrative and character-based NFTs.

Deliverable 1.3

1.3 Smart Contract Framework for Content Tokenization: Implementation of smart contracts to manage content tokenization, rights, and royalties.

Milestone 2 - estimated completion date:


Milestone 2 - USD value of payout upon completion of deliverables:


Deliverable 2.1

2.1 Integrated Platform with Advanced Blockchain Functionality: Completion of platform integration with blockchain to support secure transactions, ownership verification, and a token-based incentive system.

Deliverable 2.2

2.2 Enhanced User Interface for Web3 Storytelling Experience: Development of an advanced user interface that provides an immersive and intuitive experience for interacting with blockchain-based storytelling elements.

Deliverable 2.3

2.3 Initial Content Creator Onboarding and Support Tools: Implementation of tools and resources to facilitate content creator onboarding and to support their use of the platform’s advanced features.

Milestone 3 - USD value of payout upon completion of deliverables:


Milestone 3 - estimated completion date:


Deliverable 3.1

3.1 Beta Platform Release and User Feedback Collection: Launch of the beta version of the Tales platform to collect user feedback and iterate on the product.

Deliverable 3.2

3.2 Community Building Initiatives and Engagement Programs: Execution of community engagement strategies to build a robust and active user base for the platform.

Deliverable 3.3

3.3 Initial Marketing Campaign and User Acquisition: Rollout of the initial marketing campaign to build awareness of Tales and attract early users and content creators.

Milestone 4 - USD value of payout upon completion of deliverables:


Milestone 4 - estimated completion date:


Deliverable 4.1

4.1 Official Platform Launch with Marketing Support: Coordination of the official platform launch, including a comprehensive marketing strategy to maximize visibility and user adoption.

Deliverable 4.2

4.2 Platform Scaling and Ecosystem Expansion: Implementation of operational scaling strategies to enhance platform capacity and user experience, along with expanding the Tales ecosystem to include a wider array of creators and narrative content.

Deliverable 4.3

4.3 Post-Launch Monitoring and Iterative Improvement: Establishment of mechanisms for ongoing monitoring, feedback collection, and iterative improvement of the platform based on user engagement and feedback.

Total proposed USD value of grant:

$600000.00 USD

How was the project timeline determined?


Tales W3 The project timeline for Tales was determined based on a strategic and methodical evaluation of each phase necessary to build the platform successfully. Here’s an outline of how the timeline was established:

  1. Foundation and Initial Blockchain Integration:
  • Time Allocated: 0-2 Months from start of project.

  • Rationale: Initial months are critical for establishing the technical foundation. Selecting and integrating the blockchain and developing initial smart contracts require meticulous planning and execution, ensuring the platform is primed for subsequent phases.

  1. AI Tool Adaptation and Initial dApp Development:
  • Time Allocated: 1-4 Months Concurrently

  • Rationale: Overlapping AI tool adaptation with dApp development ensures that both core components evolve in tandem, facilitating seamless integration and functionality, crucial for early testing and user feedback.

  1. Advanced Development and Community Engagement:
  • Time Allocated: 5-8 Months from start of project.

  • Rationale: Following the foundation phase, further development of AI tools and dApp enhancements are needed, along with initiating community engagement to gain early feedback and foster a user base.

  1. Beta Testing, Marketing, and Refinement:
  • Time Allocated: 9-12 Months from start of project.

  • Rationale: Adequate time for beta testing and marketing is essential for refining the platform based on user input, ensuring a strong market fit, and building anticipation for the official launch.

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Hi @samiam3d - Welcome to the forum, and thank you for submitting your grant proposal! We will review it in the upcoming weeks and reach out if we have any questions.

In the meantime, if you have any questions for us, you can post them to this thread or DM us at @ZcashGrants.

Zcash Community - We want to hear your feedback on this grant! You can post your comments to this thread or DM us at @ZcashGrants if you’d like to provide feedback in private.


@samiam3d Thank you for your submission. After consideration from @ZcashGrants and sufficient time for the community to provide feedback on the forum, the committee has decided to reject this proposal as it is out of scope.

The committee appreciates your grant submission efforts and encourages you to continue as an active member of the Zcash community going forward, both here on the forum and in the below avenues as well:

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