Toomim Bros GPU mining software and cloud mining

The point is that zcash hasn’t even launched yet and 40 sols have been broken on a processor. GPU optimization will eclipse that number easily.

That’s what I don’t understand though, if you know you have more headroom for GPU optimization why not pass that savings onto your customers? Cloud mining could definitely be profitable for buyers, but not if the customers are stuck with a low hash rate while the rest of the mining community upgrades their software. A month from now 40 sols on a GPU will be considered low.

Genesis Mining is about to release some NEWS… so far they have the most competitive PRICING in my opinion… you guys should lower your rates.

if you know you have more headroom for GPU optimization why not pass that savings onto your customers?

We’re not selling GPU time. We’re selling solutions. There’s no way that a customer can know how fast our code is; they only know how much hashrate they get. What’s to stop someone like Zeropond from writing a GPU miner, finding that the first version gets 1.2 Sol/s and selling cloud hashing at a price based on that, then subsequently increasing the performance 20x and only increasing the customer hashrate by 2x?

We set our prices based on supply and demand. If the market decides that 1 Sol/s for 3 months is worth 80 mBTC, then that’s what we sell at. As in any market, the price will fluctuate over time. To play the market, you need to guess when the price is too high, and when it’s too low, and base your purchasing decisions on that.

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My god 600 gpus with other people money, and you don’t even offer then raises in hash rate as you optimize further ? that sounds like pure thievery

People need to learn cloud mining only benefits the operator never the customer, we have been here before with ltc gear, genesis mining etc

The problem is the cloud mining crooks go from one forum to another scamming folks before the people like @Xereo get wind and warn them off by that time its too late wow what a scam.

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Can you elaborate on what makes you think that your code GPU can be improved much more than the CPU?

Have you done such a poor job of optimizing your software ??

/ Nimos

I don’t they are scamming anyone. I think it’s very clear what they are selling. If people want to give them money for a service, so be it.

I mean, if there’s a bug on zcash after genesis after people spent money on hardware we are all going to be on that same boat. That doesn’t make zcash developers scammers, does it?

It’s speculation. Some times it goes wrong. Cloud miners are taking huge risks for sure.

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Can you elaborate on what makes you think that your code GPU can be improved much more than the CPU?

Optimizing for GPUs is a lot more complicated than optimizing for CPUs. Programming for GPUs is just harder.

Have you done such a poor job of optimizing your software ??

Optimization is an iterative process. We have done a few iterations. We have not finished iterating.

THX… I got the feeling that you were done because you have not posted any updates for your GPU…

No, not done. We’ve had to take time off from optimizations to work on other things, like the stratum proxy.

Edit: Also, as it has become unlikely that we will be releasing our code as open source, I haven’t been posting every time we improve the performance.

It’s funny how jtoomim claimed GPU miner will be 100x faster than the CPU… Now we know why all the fud, they have no CPU power to rent out…

Basically they are buying GPU’s with customers money.

Basically they are buying GPU’s with customers money.

Yeah basically what all cloud mining outfits do, they don’t want to take any risk use your money which was meant to purcashe hash rate the should ALREADY have lol , which is why I say fuck a pre-order lol , either you have the hash rate on launch and can sell it to me then for a fair rate or forget it

All of the hashrate we’ve sold comes from GPUs that we already own and have plugged in. Those GPUs are currently mining ether. We bought those GPUs in February through June.

This is not a pre-order.

Now that we have more money, we are buying more GPUs.

@Miki: I believe that I claimed that our GPU mining software was 700x faster than the reference CPU implementation. This claim is and was true. I believe I also mentioned several times (and in the same contexts) that the reference CPU implementation is rather slow. I have also mentioned that the first version of our GPU miner was about 20x faster than our unoptimized and incomplete CPU implementation, and that our unoptimized CPU miner was about 7x as fast as the reference solver.

If I made a claim somewhere stating that GPUs will always be 100x faster than CPUs, such claim would be in error, and I request that you link to it so that I can correct it.

For example, in the original post of this thread, I said this:

(For reference, the current miner in zcashd gets around 0.03 to 0.06 Sol/s per CPU core. It’s pretty slow.)

(That statement was true at the time I made it, 27 days ago. I just amended it to reflect the new Tromp solver in zcashd.)

If we’re setting our prices correctly, half of our potential customers should be complaining publicly about how our prices are too high, while the other half silently place orders trying to snap up as much hashrate as they can afford…

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Watiing for your mining information ,hope we buyers can get a reasonable hashrate ,… Heard GPU miners has been released publicly ,

if GM or Toomim at least not double again the hashrate, it don’t think they will sell any more.
The the moment CPU hashrate rise a lot so I didn’t see any chance to get currently an ROI in buying cloud mining. bye bye 2K-Dollar … =).

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china will allways win in ZCASH mining.

Challenge accepted…

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Considering my power is cheaper than China, I doubt that. :smiley: