That improvement makes sens only if somebody plans to use it on low mem devices. I know some talk about mining on phones but it would not be very efficient at all. So what’s your point here? (it’s not a troll, real question.)
Can someone guess what solver going to be final on 28th Oct. Do anyone here believe that GPU solver will surely be out?
is premature to invest in buying hardware required for mining rig or still we need to wait a lil bit.
what are the odds?
I left a 6 x RX 470 4G system running overnight (1500 strap BIOS, stock voltage) w/ extremal’s OpenCL miner that averages around 17.3 Sol/s (103.7 Sol/s total) on Win10. Power consumption is pretty reasonable - about 630W.
I am running etherchain’s patched 0.2 nheqminer (that uses xenoncat’s CPU solver and tromp’s CUDA solver) that reports 21.1 I/s and 39.7 Sol/s (I’m thoroughly confused at what nheqminer is reporting these days - Sol/s as I/s and Run/s as Sol/s?) on a 4GHz (non-turbo) i7-4790k and a GTX970 - also on Win10 atm since there’s no source for 0.2, although I would prefer to run in Linux. Power consumption is about 190W.