When are new blocks being introduced ....daily ? how many?

How many new blocks are going to be available per day and at what rate will that increase ?

Hoping for a massive price crash so i can buy a ton

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You can also check total coins mined here https://explorer.zcha.in/

Why in the blocks found, the number of created ZECs is almost never the ideal value of 3.125 and most often slightly exceeds it. What does it depend on?

For example, in this block
Zcash block 1549590 created by 3.12514444 ZEС

in this:
Zcash block 1549584 - 3.13425979 ZEC

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I believe the number fluctuates depending on the number of transactions included in the block.

Any amount above 3.125 is the tx fees given to the miner who found the block.


Thanks! Really. I have always believed that the miners commission comes from the transactions themselves, and not from coinbase. That is, in reality, the commission goes to the conditional buffer of coinbase, and then to the miners.

In Bitcoin, transactions do not specify a fee; and there is no “conditional buffer of coinbase”. Zcash inherited this design from Bitcoin.

Transactions have input amounts and output amounts. A transaction’s total outputs must be less than or equal to its total inputs; otherwise, the transaction is invalid. If the difference is nonzero, then it is essentially a surplus paid to nobody. Technically, this money is destroyed; but miners are allowed to recreate it in the generation transaction. (What you and many others are calling “coinbase”—technically, the coinbase is the generation transaction’s input.)

A naïve implementation with an explicit fee field would waste precious space on the blockchain. The fee is implicit. Bitcoin’s design has many such subtleties, which most users never realize.

The generation transaction of a block is a special transaction with arbitrary non-monetary input (the coinbase—most famously, “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks” in the Bitcoin genesis block), and with output(s) specified by the miner who confirmed the block. The coin(s) in these output(s) have no parent; thus, they are newly created. By consensus rules, the total of these new coins must be less than or equal to the sum of (a) the block reward amount, plus (b) the total amount of all the aforesaid surplus money that was paid to nobody (“fees”).

Nothing forces a miner to create this money. Some BTC have been irrevocably lost, because a miner made generation transaction outputs less than the maximum allowed (including zero). It is an unusual way to burn money, thus permanently reducing the supply.

When a node validates a block, it calculates the amount that the miner is allowed to create, and verifies that the generation transaction’s output total is less than or equal to this amount. If it exceeds the allowed amount, then the block is discarded as invalid. This is important: Miners do not control the network. They are paid employees, performing an important duty in accord with rules enforced by each and every full node.

Quoting Zcash’s protocol.pdf (current verison—latest version), § 3.4 at p. 16, with all formatting as in the original:

Zcash-specific note: For simplicity, I have omitted any discussion of the Founder’s Reward, which I fully supported, and of “funding streams”, which I do not.

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Thank you for this great clarification!

There is not much information about nuances in Russian, but I cannot read specific literature in English. An online translator also helps here.

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One of the great advantages of Zcash’s design is that much of it can be learned from Bitcoin resources. When I want to understand something like this, I just skim or search Zcash’s protocol.pdf to see if there are relevant differences from Bitcoin.

The Russian section of the Bitcoin Forum is generally strong, although I don’t know how good it is with technical topics. Perhaps if you find knowledge about Bitcoin there, then study Zcash’s protocol.pdf for differences, it could even help you to create Russian-language Zcash resources.

Happy to help.

To avoid ambiguity, I should note that the “funding streams” are not optional for the miner. This is a Zcash consensus rule. (So was FR.)

See protocol.pdf §§ 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 at p. 20.

Rules for Founders’ Reward (block height > 0 and <= 1046399): § 7.9 at pp. 133–135.

Rules for funding streams (specified for block height 1046400 – 2726400): § 7.10 at pp. 135–136.

Edit, P.S./off-topic: Thanks for threading your reply so neatly. I also hit reply on the correct button for your post; however, Discourse seems to have a bug which loses the effect sometimes. I don’t want to delete and recreate my post.

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