Would you be in favor of a name change for the Zcash project?

This should be immediately cut to $0. Completely agree. Focus 100% of the money on the blockchain, stablecoins, ZSAs, and a working wallet (not 3rd party wallets). Integrate AMP protocol if you have to get instant settlement and give users the options to just pay the fee. Once they get their feet under them, then consider some 3rd party wallets and hopefully a model is in place where people can build on top of the blockchain and fund themselves and pay for some of the marketing (co marketing).

It does a lot of damage to the brand when you tell people its money, it doesn’t act like money in any way, and then the wallets dont sync. I dont think advertising that results in getting people upset or cause them to fear they lost all their money because the coins dont show up in the wallet accomplishes a lot.

Etheruem is on the right path and they very likely could make ZEC obsolete. If not why not?