Until we have a product that works as expected and for the intended use cases, this is more for fun than anything else. The quality of the product is what gives meaning to the name. A new name with the same vision will just destroy the new name. @joshs has all the elements in his post that are needed to turn things around. Its about execution. A very big part (understatement of the year) of execution is what is cut/eliminated and what is prioritized. The old vision prioritized things that damaged the brand and the price is a reflection of that. Can’t wait to hear what comes out of Zboot because that will redefine the direction of Zcash and I believe we all hope will give new meaning to the name as a brand people can trust.
for a more detailed explanation of where I believe Zcash went wrong based on a Hal Finney email exchange describing the purpose of Bitcoin click link.
Some members in the forum truly feel so deep into the pool of Kool-Aid that their thinking implies that Zcash can foverever operate outside of the bounds of how businesses and products create success.
There are centuries worth of tried and tested strategy/ methods/ learning lessons that we can be tapping into examples follow
Zcash is a badly tarnished brand right now, and it is not a good name for the blockchain/ products/ features that it can provide to users.
At face value, “Zcash” tells me nothing about the features, the products, anything at all.
After prolonged failures to grow the market capitalization, build a sticky base of users, retain a base of investors… only insane people would be so heterodox in their beliefs that everything in Zcash remain exactly how it has always been… yelling at the cloud! The market is wrong, not me! The users are wrong, not the products!
Perhaps this is just forum banter, but also consider it a Rorschach Test.
The same Rorschach Test idea can be said about the grievances raised about ZF/ ECC running their treasuries so heavy with Altcoins, in the face of the collapse of ZEC.
Is there really no low bound for the value of ZEC, that would cause a change in behavior [rhetorical]
'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
According to a large number of inspirational mugs and posters, this famous quote comes from none other than Albert Einstein
Zcash as a product has an identity/direction problem and imo the “cash” tag is either failed or not applicable.
At a time which feels like a rebirth for Zcash a rebrand makes sense. But we are getting ahead of ourselves… a clear roadmap of what this blockchain will look like on the future and you build your brand around that
we don’t want someone forking and then trying to take the zcash brand as well. that would cause a lot of confusion. Its probably easier to regain trust than to start from scratch on a new brand because privacy is not really the problem; Zcash still seems to have a strong privacy brand with fixes as outlined by @joshs → Lets see what comes out of Zeboot, which seems to be “consensus”
I think Zcash is an enormous success from a technological point of view. However, the primary goal is a decentralized Internet with the right to privacy that would “shield” individual freedom. From this perspective, Zcash is “just” the tool needed to achieve this goal.
Both technology and the popularity of the idea behind it are essential to making this vision a reality. But the problem is that fighting for privacy is nonessential to most users. And it’s not just about the popularity of Zcash. Monero is also much less popular than projects that don’t even try to care about privacy.
For me, privacy is sacred, but for most people living on Instagram or TikTok, not so much. The problem is that onboarding such users is necessary to protect also our right to privacy because only the mass adoption of these solutions will prevent authorities and regulators from limiting citizens’ freedom.
I’m confident about Zcash’s success as a technology. But without effectively appealing to the emotions and associations of the average user, even the best technology may never achieve the required mass adoption.