YWallet & Warp Sync

The documentation for WarpSync is now available.


This documentation starts with an overview of the purpose and architecture of Lightwallets. It describes the functionalities required by a synchronization library.

The next section describes the Data model. Warp Sync stores its data in a SQLite Database. Each major table is shown and its purpose explained.

Then, we show the synchronization workflow in the section Execution Model.

Feel free to skip ahead to the developer section if you just want to use it.

Developer Guide

We have several integrations.

The easiest is to run as a web service that provides synchronization and account management.

WarpSync can be used as a dynamic linked library from any language that supports FFI C bindings. For an example in JAVA, go to this section.

And finally, if you use rust, WarpSync is a crate that can be incorporated in your project. You will find an example here. The RustDoc is here.