Z9 (not mini) Overclock / Unlock Available

For full disclosure, I am the author of this overclock firmware

I wanted to share with you a Z9 Overclock. It is documented at Efudd Z-Series Fuddware 2.3 -Z11/Z11e/Z11j/Z9/Mini

This firmware will very soon (working on it now) be getting the ability to set the frequency on individual hash boards, instead of the whole miner. This will help those who have a single board that does not operate as well as the others.

There are other additions planned.

All details are in the post, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions.

Thank you,



Hello efudd,

thank you for sharing that with us. Do you plan to make also one for the Z9 mini? I have the issue too with one of the board that is hotter then the other two.

I am intending to add this to the mini once I get the large locked down. No Eta at the moment.


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