Zashi - is the option "Buy ZEC with Coinbase Legit?

Hi All - I saw mention on X that its possible to buy ZEC from coinbase within Zashi . I downloaded the app from the IOS store and attempted to buy $30 worth using the “pay with debit card option”

However after providing all information the transaction fails with the message “coinbase pay: your transaction was unsuccessful, but you were not charged. Please try again”.
I’ve tried many different debit cards but the error message remains the same.
Im hoping that the Zashi wallet option buy with coinbase option is legit or did i just lose my debit card info to scammers ?

Im in the US and the “pay with the debit card” option fails for me

Ive tested on two IOS devices with different MasterCard and Visa cards but the error remains the same as below.

"coinbase pay: your transaction was unsuccessful, but you were not charged. Please try again”.

Have you otherwise used this same card on the coibase site?

The Zashi ramp has the same account eligiblity requirements as the site and using it either creates or accesses an existing account.

no , I’ve not used these cards on coinbase and ive also tried two different phone numbers , different emails etc .
Has anyone else on here used the “buy with debit card” feature on Zashi ?
is there also a minimum purchase amount as Im testing with $25?

The information you provide will need to be sufficient to create an actual account on coinbase, meaning it will very likely be accurate up to telcom provider.

I just tested it with a debit card and it went through.

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could it be some kind of 3D security feature of your card
that is not somehow compatible with coinbase pay?

Some banks have been known to block crypto purchases. I would try a different card or ask your bank if they are blocking it.


I agree, I suspect it may be my credit cards that are getting blocked by coinbase or even the bank as several acquaintances also experienced similar issues,

I tested and if a VPN is used the option to pay with a debit card in Zashi defaults to disabled; selecting the option just produces an error.

I’ve tried using Apple Pay and it fails every time. Even moved money to Apple Cash and doesn’t go through.


Thanks for reporting, I have passed this along internally & I will test with Apple Pay as well.


Hi! I’m new to these parts and running a experiment. I just installed Zashi Wallet on my iPhone XS running 17.6.1. I was attempting to use my debit card through the provided coinbase link (which I’ve never used before) to make a $4 purchase. I put in my debit card number, my personal details, signed over my firstborn, verified my phone number via text, and it popped up a little toast about generating a quote or something, and then it just hung with three little dancing dots over the “enter code” boxes. They’re calming, I’ll tell you that. I’ve just watched them for the last 15 minutes whilst taking deep breaths. I’m not sure what to do - just quit and try again? It’s no big deal, it’s only $4, but this was a test to see how it all works, and the findings are grim. Thanks for any help you can provide!

Hi @lilphoton welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

Please scroll up in this thread to see potential solutions to your issue.