Zcash Clubs around the world

Hello, Zcashers!

From the Spanish Zcash community we are doing an experiment since last year called Club Zcash.

This is an initiative that seeks to replicate small Zcash cells or communities around the world, regardless of the language. It is an exercise that so far has 3 Clubs:

Club Zingo Caracas (Venezuela)
Zcash Club Querétaro (Mexico)
Zcash Club Barcelona (Spain)

The idea is that, although with few resources and no funding (at the beginning), the curious and privacy enthusiasts of the world begin to gather around Zcash, do meetups, talks, etc.

We have written an article that explains what Zcash Clubs are, and although it is in Spanish, I think it is important that you read it and share it in your social networks and with your followers, so that more people are encouraged.

Thanks for your comments!


Great initiative!

We from Brazil created something similar in January called Zcasher Junior. Our goal is to expand locally in states, neighborhoods, bars, and other areas that interest our members.

To support this, we have developed a PowerPoint presentation and a Zcash brand for downloads.


Hope we will begin funding these meetups in Brazil with this.


I saw it and it’s great!

The next step for the communities already formed is to grow, to expand, to more towns, villages and cities.
