Zcash Community Grants Meeting Minutes 10/31/22

Below please find the latest @ZcashGrants meeting minutes and Public Dashboard link.


  • Aditya
  • Burns
  • Jason
  • Michael
  • Jack Gavigan (ZF resource)
  • Alex Bornstein (ZF resource)
  • Daniel Wolande (ZF resource)
  • Danika Delano (ZF resource)
  • Deidra M acting as notetaker

Key Takeaways:

  • Jack restated that Dan’s priority is supporting the Zcash Community Grants program. Dan will be working more actively with the ZCG committee in the coming weeks.
  • Open Grant Proposals
  • Brainstorm Session Follow-Ups
    • Podcast RFP - Be on the lookout for a formal grant proposal from TheDesertLynx on a crypto podcast.
    • Global Ambassador Program
      • San Diego Meetup - Last week’s meet-up went well and will have another at the end of November with Ambassador Madison to lead.
      • Michael (Brazil) Request - ZCG approved the use of $250 of the discretionary budget for his requests.
      • New ambassadors & Extensions (Chidi, Ksenya) - ZCG approved 2 new ambassadors: one from Berlin and the other from Uganda. Chidi’s ambassador contract will be extended for another year.
    • ZCG committee member hours/compensation - Jack has now spoken 1:1 with all committee members, and will discuss this matter with the board. He will update ZCG members before the next meeting.
    • LA Blockchain Summit Nov 1-3, Token 2049 London Nov 9-10, Aditya and Jason to attend LA Blockchain Summit, and Aditya to attend Token 2049 in London to spread ZCG program awareness, networking with prospective builders & contributors to Zcash and making connections across various crypto communities;.
    • London Zcash Meetup Nov 9 with ECC - Aditya and Beth from ECC to meet in London. Jack may join.
    • Dan to work with Jason to help coordinate meetings and scheduling via Google Workspace. Dan to take this on for longevity within the ZCG moving forward.
    • ZCG elections to take place straight after the ZF board advisory poll.


ZF Support

  • Jack reiterated that Dan’s primary function is to support the major grants program so ZCG can safely assume Dan is available to help with anything the committee may need moving forward.

Open Grant Proposals

  • Partnership with CryptoMondays to Spread the Word about Zcash
    • Jason reminded ZCG that this grant’s purpose is that of a social organization looking to onboard more new crypto users. ZCG has set up a call for tomorrow to discuss the partnership, what they do, and how they can add value for the Zcash community.
    • The committee will keep this grant open.
  • Zcash and Agriculture
    • Jason stated this applicant asked for $5,000 in order to reach out and educate farmers in northern Ghana, train participants, and hold community events. ZCG feels the grant proposal is out of scope for projects ZCG wants to fund. Jason posed the question of whether or not to refer the applicant to the Global Ambassadors Program.
    • All committee members rejected this grant.
    • Burns added that because the Global Ambassadors Program is currently at capacity he also votes not to refer to that program.
    • Aditya asked to add a message with the rejection notice to the applicant, a list of community resources, and encouragement to continue their efforts and to stay involved.
    • Dan volunteered to send a message to the applicant pointing the applicant to other community resources so they can stay involved.

Brainstorm Session Follow-Ups

  • Podcast RFP

    • Jason stated that TheDesertLynx reached out a month or two ago in response to the podcast RFP. He put together a pilot episode featuring Nathan from ECC. Despite some minor production tweaking, ZCG thought the content and format were good. Jason asked him to submit a formal proposal, which should be posted within the next week or two. The applicant is asking for $500 per episode for 12 episodes over a course of the year. ZCG feels the budget is reasonable.
    • Michael added that the real thing could be better than the pilot, but agreed the pilot was pretty good and a fair quote. Aditya added that TheDesertLynx is a crypto native individual and has been a part of the crypto community for a while, so it is good to see him make a podcast for Zcash. Burns stated that he is excited to see what comes next. Jason agreed that having more podcasts on Zcash is great and long overdue.
  • Global Ambassador Program

    • San Diego Meetup
      • Jason stated that last week there was a meetup event at EdgeWallet HQ in San Diego hosted by the new ambassador, Madison, which Zcash Media and Jason attended. It was a fun event, there was vibrant discussion after the videos, and they hope the turnout will continue to grow at future events. Madison can tap into her network at EdgeWallet.
      • Jason added that the discretionary budget was used to cover overnight lodging for him and Zcash Media. Danika noted that this is recorded on the public dashboard as well.
    • Michael (Brazil Ambassador) Request
      • Jason stated that Michael requested funding for promotional material including a webcam protector, holographic stickers, and tickets to BitinRio. The total amount asked for is 1314 Brazilian reals which is about $250 USD. Jason asked for the ZCG vote to be on record from their previous conversation.
      • Aditya stated that the Brazil team is very active and knows how to source local merchandise. He votes to approve. Michael agreed that the Brazilian team gets good value from this and voted to approve.
      • All approved.
      • Jason stated that he will reach out to Brian for his vote after the meeting.
    • New Ambassadors
      • Jason restated last week’s takeaway about the 3 ambassadors ZCG is considering and about capping at 10 global ambassadors. However, it has been decided to cap the number of ambassadors at 11. ZCG decided to make an offer to both Mucu, from Uganda, and the individual from Berlin. The committee will inform them today and will get the names and email addresses to Alex for the KYC and onboarding process. Jason added that Mucu has been involved with Zcash for a while and is very deserving as well as ZCG’s shared excitement for a European ambassador. Jason stated that these ambassadors begin with a 3-month trial.
      • Aditya added that Ksenya in Berlin has experience with community building, but is new to Zcash and will need help with building connections & growing adoption in Europe and help in learning more about Zcash.
      • Jason added that Chidi finished his 3-month trial and asked if his agreement was extended. Alex answered that once ZF gets ZCG approval, Alex will do the change order and paperwork. Moving forward, ZF will monitor via the existing spreadsheet and post it to the Dashboard with their public name and contract end date.
      • Aditya brought up that Yoditar has been monitoring other ambassadors monthly activities. ZCG has met once with Yoditar and has set up a signal group to discuss administrative issues with him. Yoditar has been raising issues as they come up. Dan added that he is happy to meet with the ambassadors and can meet with Yoditar more frequently than quarterly, if necessary.
      • Jason asked if Dan wanted to do research on possible topics or speakers for the San Diego meetups; ideas for events would be helpful. Dan agreed. Aditya suggested also allowing speakers to be a part of the meet-up via Zoom. Jason agreed with that idea.
      • Alex stated that Madison’s contract is up at the end of December and that Chidi will now be extended for a year. Alex to check on Jacob’s contract and will get back to ZCG.
  • ZCG committee member hours/compensation

    • All members have met 1:1 with Jack.
    • Jack will discuss this matter with the board, and he plans to get back to ZCG before the next meeting.
  • New Topic: Google Workspace for ZCG

    • Jason stated in an attempt to try to coordinate and schedule meetings more efficiently, he has been working on setting up a ZCG Google Workspace. Jason asked if he can hand off this task to Dan and if Dan can own it. Dan agreed and will now be able to coordinate with and update the new ZCG members.
    • Jason to meet with Dan to hand it over.
  • LA Blockchain Summit Nov 1-3, Token 2049 London Nov 9, 10

    • Both Jason and Aditya will be attending the LA Blockchain Summit in November.
    • Aditya will be in London for Token 2049 on November 9 + 10 and is in touch with Beth, from ECC about arranging a meetup in London. He will have more information in the next few days.
    • Jack asked Aditya to keep him posted, and he will join the meetup if he can.
  • Timeline for ZCG elections

  • Burns asked about the ZCG election timeline. Jack responded that it will take place right after the board elections which will start at the end of November. The poll will close at the end of the year and new people will be known on Jan 1 then the 1st meeting will be on January 9.

  • Aditya asked when the last ZCG meeting for 2022 will be. Jack stated maybe on December 26.

After the meeting, ZCG connected with Brian via Signal to get his required votes. Brian voted to reject the Zcash and Agriculture grant and approved Michael’s dictionary budget request.


That was really helpful, thank you so much. But I won’t stop pushing till I bring the Agricultural community of Ghana On board
Thank you