Zcash es privacidad bajo tu control (video con subtítulos en español)

Empoderando a TODOS con libertad económica y oportunidades.

Este video de la ECC tiene subtítulos en español para promover Zcash entre la comunidad en Español.

Si conoces a alguien que hable español, compártelo. Todos tenemos derecho a la privacidad financiera.


Wow thanks for making Spanish subtitles! Thats awesome! Would be even cooler if the ECC would be able change the words in the video itself to spanish!


Thank you! This video was subtitled by a member of the Zcash community on Telegram. His name is Cope.

Soon I will be translating many articles and more content about Zcash into Spanish. In the meantime you can visit Zcash Español at its digital ecosystem: