Zcash Forum Banner Contest!

I would like to invite the community to re-design the forum banner to make it more useful for new and experienced users to find information about Zcash and our ecosystem.

As you may remember we previously had a banner that looked like this:

This was a simple HTML banner with text and hyperlinks and was woefully out of date.

Discourse now has a more powerful and responsive banner called “versatile banner”. You can see a demo here:

This new banner component supports multiple columns, icons, buttons, text, background image, and HTML. We can use this to build our new banner.

I’m putting up 5 ZEC for this contest to design a new banner that fits with the spirit of Zcash (If someone wants to match my personal contribution please let me know.)

Those that wish to enter can submit a image/mockup of their entry in this thread. You don’t need to know or submit any HTML! Once a winner is selected I will work within the limits of the banner plugin to try to get as close as possible to the intent, each section has its own HTML block so some things may or may not translate well.

On October 15th I will run a forum poll where users can vote on their favorite designs

For maximum device compatibility the layout should be an intro header with three columns:

1: Is the intro “welcome” header with link to our Code of Conduct. This section will always show even when the header is collapsed by the user.
2,3,4: Are the collapsible section. That way once a user reads it they can choose to leave it open or close it for a cleaner look. This is where we need the useful information like links to all of our communities (Discord, Reddit, Telegram etc…), Github, ECC website, ZF website, ZCG website, Z.cash website, wallets, block explorers, etc…

The background image is also up to you to design. Keep in mind that since its a responsive banner the image has to make sense when on desktop, expanded, collapsed, or squished on mobile. Maybe we could even make the background image change with the time of year?

Good luck and have fun! :grin:


It will be great!
I guess it should be open for two weeks, it gives oportunity to more people participate. I’m in!


Ok, since today is the 1st we can leave it open until the 15th.


Great idea, Shawn!