Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. The only difference may be who you consider investors.
This is much worse than I thought and to be honest, I think it’s pretty characterless to dig up a presentation to point at other people
I’m saying clearly, without them and of course a few other ppl, Zcash wouldn’t be much worse off than it is today. Probably even better because more money would be left for development and marketing.
They are one of the first I would cut off the money tap, mainly because of their high costs and lack of returns. If you say otherwise, then prove how Zcash has received financial benefit in $ from your work.
It’s a shame that anyone even approved them new money at that level, considering what their roadmap or justification was for asking for this money. I’m not saying they do a bad job or are unimportant, but they are NOT EVEN CLOSE to worth the money they ask for and get.
And their comparison is a bit lame. If you compare Zechub to the others, Zechub certainly won’t be the worst, but who was really worth the money. I think almost nobody. So please don’t make such comparisons.
I am responding to a comparison you brought up. You have every right to discuss your opinions, I value them yet dont agree, and hope the community can make their own conclusions based on facts I posted above.
Comparing Zcash to the chart of another coin and how this other coin is regaining health thru advertisement.
First, the developers of the coin must make sure to give the users a good experience.
- Fast transactions ( fast enough for the Fat fingers to keep pressing that buy or sell button). Big enough buttons on the wallets to help Mr Fat fingers not make a mistake and accidently lock his coins.
Second, only if the First is achieved then bigger investors will appreciate to fund everything else, like nice looking chicks arround a Michael Saylor and second layers to run Donald coins plus Privacy.
Not all coins are in hospice, in other words. Some are on dialysis for life and even some are given transplant.
To note: most of those that are in hospice were convinced by convincers, not to do dialysis ( that hard approach to prolongation) because the convincers are nurses sent by the insurances. Hospice nurse will convince the sick to go on as is so that it benefits them more ( the insurances will not spend much ).
My point is that, the insurances got their premium and are more into cut loses now and just let them die.
Strategy is crucial to reverse a bad situation.
BTW, i wanted to ask a question if anyone here knows. Whatever happened Litecoin Mimble Wimble?
Im trying to analyze where Zcash can improve just for my own. Does Litecoin Mimble Wimble works? Any comparizon to Zcash in general terms?
Id appreciate it. Thank you!
These are all only partial truths. There is an agenda behind Bitcoin and a lot of money has been pumped into Bitcoin and that’s why Bitcoin is where it is today,
Bitcoin can basically do nothing, and what it can do, it can only do badly.
Now there are 2 ways to move a coin in a certain direction:
- you pump money into a coin and let its price rise, which also serves as advertising at the same time
- you create added value and a use case for a coin and thereby move this coin in a desired direction.
BUT: If you decide on 2, which is always the right way, you MUST take advertising measures. Namely professional advertising and the success of this advertising lies in its constant repetition repetition repetition. Always. No matter how good the project is.
Because with 1, the price increase is already passive advertising
The best example is $TRUMP
Advertising is there to draw attention to a project or product so that it can then be used. If someone doesn’t know about your project or product, they can’t use or buy it. This can be achieved with various advertising tools. With Bitcoin and other shitcoins, this was achieved through constant price actions.
This is the golden rule: "Who not advertise, who dies…” That’s the way it is and always will be.
But you can also make a lot of mistakes by spreading to much information beforehand that no one is interested in and where most people would be completely overwhelmed and then definitely not use the product.
What is interesting about Zcash:
The team and its professional experience and expertise behind it
What Zcash is, in a nutshell. A crypto currency or electronic currency.
And what the customer can do with it. Transfer assets cheaply and securely. Send, receive and still have privacy.
Just stop trying to convince people on this technology stuff. That only makes everything worse. It has to be easy to use. What is easy for you, a technology-savvy person, is not for the normal person. Nobody cares whether a person has to send something to a pool to enjoy privacy or whether they have to operate a node themselves so that there is no middleman. Your job is to design the product in such a way that the user does not have to think or do such things at all. Here the same, the user does not want to hear that some cypherpunks or hackers designed the product (even this is cool, but only for crypto ppl) that the user is supposed to use.
Imagine that. That certainly doesn’t make you feel any safer.
If the customer hears that they are all computer scientists, professors and engineers from the field of computer science, then that’s cool and conveys security and expertise.
It must be explained as simply as possible but also made usable in the application. So that a child or old grandmother could understand and use it in less than 2 minutes. Zcash must be made usable for everyone, not a small group of people. Otherwise nobody should be surprised if it doesn’t go any further. In the best case scenario, the zcash technology will eventually be used without the user realizing it.
Ps: And that’s exactly why you need a marketing team with a strategic focus and direction on how you will present yourself on the market in the future, including advertising. If everyone tries to cook their own soup and everything happens according to the principle of “I’m going to do something now and hope for the best,” that’s a blow to the developers and the products they develop and for the whole project.
i felt so lucky when i managed to set foot in the US 30 years ago. I thought Americans in general at that time felt so entitled.
I dont mean to be racist. But i knew i can compete to anyone that had so much confidence just because.
Polygon Matic came in. I thought Wow! These is great for crypto, i thought immigrants can show some talent!
This game is not all about money for me, but its about doing something to make a difference before we die ( like its your last term as President).
I like music, a good song for me to listen too is better than rewarded with money for some work or scheme, sometimes, even if its just a one hit wonder.
There is something that cannot be bought. And that is called health. After all, how much is your money worth if you feel sick and are lying in bed with a fever? Then all you want is to get well. Therefore, there are things that are much more important, and happiness is one of them. Happiness cannot be bought, but it can be experienced if you renounce material society as much as possible.
By the way, I would also be happy about how something great was created, which was then also used in my lifetime, such as Zcash.
Ive heard a song called Ben, but you know, Ive never heard of a song called Then.
But maybe i should compose one and get an AI agent to help me with the melody.
I still like Zcash up to now but im just being careful. But ill buy at low prices under 39 dollar cost average and buy more if it goes lower.
I only buy zcash at max. $5-15 and if the price is no longer reached, then it’s ok but under no circumstances will I spend more on it when I see how the money is wasted here.
You are an investor more than a trader, i think. Can you try to be both?
No, I don’t want that
A smart investor must also be a trader.
Still not.
I think that’s an untruth. Who was the community?
The only one who benefited was the one who profited from the 20% fee due to the high hashrate via the asics. The real community, the cpu and gpu miners, were simply ignored. Incidentally, this was a promise that everything would be done to ensure that ASIC mining would not be possible so this should never have been up for discussion. These are all excuses.
I would only worry about Zcash if it reached 1 cent.