Zcash is not a cryptocurrency,

This is exactly what they said when they created the Federal Reserve.

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I thought Zcash was bigger than the US?

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Its very realistic. @Shawn I hope you can see there is indeed a group that does not respect the 21m cap and its not small and its not exclusive to people outside of Zcash. There are many grant recipients that are not against an increase (and we pay them!), it was discussed at Zcon, and its a growing risk.

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You have options too @Jgx7 , less talk more work.


I think you have it backwards, Im the one buying ZEC to pay the block rewards so people like you can work (presuming you are a zcash developer or grant recipient, which may be a wrong assumption).

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And you can choose to sell. I think you want BTC, the gold you treasure. Enjoy!

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I will if your idea of community is to strip out block rewards and waste the money without respect for ZEC holders or without concern for ZEC as a wealth storage technology. Just need to hear it from the top @joshs to know if its a sell or not.

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Doubt it. Youā€™re all talk.

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LOL - Iā€™m definitely talking more than normal. You have me on thatā€¦But all talk is a bit off.

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Make your own mind up, do you really need someones permission to decide that?

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Immutability is a great good for cryptocurrencies. In particular anything related to emission should be set in stone from launch, so that people can feel confident that the coin stands behind its principles of design. That concerns foremost the properties of its emission, and to a lesser degree also the means by which miners can obtain their fair share.

The problem I see with Zcash is that some of the confidence has already been eroded, first by rushing the launch to appease VCs and leaving the PoW in a very poor state of ASIC resistance (one of the design principles), then by leaving it in that state for years, and finally by compromising its original promise of expiring the 20% dev tax upon the first halving (ā€œ10% of total supplyā€). A change to PoS feels like more erosion of design principles, reducing the share of miner allocated, or what I like to call ā€œfairly distributedā€ supply.

These have set a bad precedent that anything can be changed ā€œif the community wants itā€, and now even the total supply is no longer sacred.


I think its interesting we have differing views on what community even means.

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There is a very high chance the block rewards and the grant programs may have corrupted the integrity of ZEC as a wealth storage technology. It can be fixed. I hope Zeboot can cleanse the system of zealotry, and an anarchist view of how governance (or lack thereof) should work. Zcash has a history of claiming victory from the 50 yard line, then moving on to the next thing. The 21m cap needs more support from leadership than its in the hands of an undefined ever changing ā€œcommunityā€ that has no anchor in ZEC ownership. As ZEC holders, we deserve better.


The 21 million cap is non-negotiable for at least another 20 years. Just stop bringing it up every day.


What do you suggest? If we simply allow anyone to participate without any vetting then 1000 trolls can sign up (or someone can sign up with 1000 accounts) and skew all poll results in their favor.

Also, the Dev Fund wasnā€™t decided solely by the ZCAP. IIRC there was also a forum poll and a coin-weighted poll.


the system was broken since the beginning, thats the only explanation for Zcash to move away so easily from its core principles and promisesā€¦
nevermind, i dont want to bring that up right nowā€¦
we have a fresh start now with Josh, Zebra and Arti comingā€¦
right now my goal was to be sure that we are not going to raise the supply or discuss it


just so i donā€™t just run away without answering,
a redesign of the voting mechanism and governance needed.
could be a good idea for a research to build into Zebra functionality somehowā€¦
or something else.
ZCAP is Ok, but has many flows.
for example if we want thousands of people to participate in votes, it will be difficult to read in the forum 1000 replies ā€œi self nominate i self nominateā€, a lot of human work :slight_smile:
many will just give up participating because of that

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We want 1,000s of people actively engaged in the Zcash ecosystem, the forum here but also many other social platforms, who subsequently self-nominate or are solicited into ZCAP by their peers. ZCAP entry is not intended to be as simple as 1. create a forum account, 2. post ā€œI self nominateā€

Part of the process involves demonstrating good-faith, consistent engagement with the ecosystem.


the good-faith thing is arguable thoā€¦
for example, im not sure Zooko had a good faith, his decisions were mostly controlled by his egoā€¦
ok maybe he had a good faith, but it didnā€™t make him make the right decisions :slight_smile:
good faith is shit
Bitcoin and Monero maximalists would make better decisions for Zcash protocol than the Founders Reward Gang. its just the truthā€¦

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I feel that the community is suffering an attack from ideologies that are against the principles of the currency. This is becoming more than dangerous, it seems that they are organizing themselves in a way to try to destroy Zcash, attacking the community itself. Some group must be worried about the promising future of the currency and are wanting to plant doubts, discord and thoughts that can destroy the value of the currency.

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