Zcash Media 2023

I am in full support for this grant proposal. Zcash media have made the best three videos in the entire crypto and I believe that we should continue to build on this momentum. Video content has the power to spark emotion and change sentiment, thus by far the best form of media to deliver the core of what Zcash stands for.

One thing to note and probably capitalise on if possible, is the narrative (amongst the crypto community at least) of Zero Knowledge Proofs. It’s only fair that they associate ZKP with Zcash as they associate Blockchain with Bitcoin; regardless of what project they’re invested in or look up to. Zcash is the founding father of ZKP and hence she deserves the credit, glory and publicity of such an achievement. It would be a big pity if otherwise and unfulfilled potential from Zcash media. I say this as I believe that ZKPs as a point of discussion could surpass that of Blockchain, and where ZKPs go in terms of exposure, Zcash should follow.