Zcash Community Grants Meeting Minutes 4/29/2024

I want to respond and speak a bit about the challenges of being on a decision-making body like ZCG.

Many of you will remember I railed against Zcash Media’s second grant for a lot of reasons. To me the logic was simple - If AAA quality media with a big, headline grabbing reveal (Snowden) didn’t meaningfully move the needle for ZEC, I don’t expect future videos without a big reveal to make a meaningful impact. Some disagreed at the time.

But there’s an awkward diplomatic balance here that I’m sensitive to. ZCG is a team, and the team was positive on the grant. I don’t consider it a productive use of my position or my time to repeatedly complain about some grant we approved. After the decision is made, I’m not trying to drag down a project that my team committed funding to.

I do appreciate you calling this out. Spending $600k for Youtube videos absolutely seems farcical at a ZECUSD price of ~$23. Milestone 1’s final deliverable was completion of 6 full-length videos and 18 shorts. These videos do exist. I’ve watched them. It’s hard to make the case 37L haven’t fulfilled, or at least aren’t on pace to fulfill this milestone.

The late delivery is a disappointment, but it’s pretty much par for the course for grants. An approved grant is an option on doing the work. If a grantee has better things to do than their grant, it’s naïve to expect them to do anything else.