Hello Everyone, here is a recap of ZecHub’s progress this month.
Major Achievements
ZecWeekly Community Newsletter is now available in 7 languages!
ZecHub DAO votes to Fund the role of Team Specialist & Approves Contract for Video Production with Joel Valenzuela.
Project Updates
With the help of some outstanding Global Ambassadors: @Michae2xl @Edicksonjga @tim_ukrainian @Olek @AidenZ @artkor ZecHub Global (now 8 languages!) and the ZecWeekly ecosystem newsletter are progressing rapidly.
Creating video content has remained a priority, our initial target has been at least two videos per week. We’ve been working on the Youtube Channel + adding new Playlists, Featuring Zcash Channels etc.
A New website is under development! The ZecHub DAO members have filled in profiles for the new site that will feature our Portfolio.
Zero to Zero Knowledge series covered Coinjoin Mimblewimble & HSM. We are looking to do a few more & soon trying a new format.
There are 2 more wiki sections for: ZF A/V Club Portal & for Zcash Community Blogs. Please let us know if you’d like your blog to be featured.
The weekly sync meetings have seen increasing participation. It has really turned into a great platform for the @ZecHubCommunity to share ideas. Recordings are now available (Locked to Cypherpunk Zero NFT holders).
Community Contributors
- There’s been a torrent of community involvement producing translated wiki pages, video tutorials, podcast clips & even assisting in event coordination during our syncs.
- 2 New Wiki docs on Shielded pools & for Zcash Shielded Assets were worked on.
- A Portal to the ZFAV collection of guides/kits/resources has been created. We invite anyone with expertise in the field to make a page for it! Let us know if you need tips on where to start.
- We are currently holding a Crew3/Zealy quest sprint! Many thanks to our new team member @Iogy for the work here.
Planned Steps
- Starting May 5th 21:00 UTC please join us for the first ZecHub Spaces! We will host Tivra from the Decred community to chat about their project, notably Decred Dex supporting shielded Zcash.
- We are actively reaching out to members of the community with plans of forming a new blog, keep a lookout for the invites!
- The Z2Z Podcast will return with another 6-8 more episodes!
There’s still a few other things we have planned for the community, we’ll be figuring out ways to make it easier for everyone to get involved. If you have suggestions, leave a comment!
Happy to answer any questions.